Call For Research Participants in an International Survey on AI in Education
Calling all educators and trainers to participate in a significant international survey on the usage and perception of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education, training, and adult learning. This survey, a collaborative effort among researchers from 18 countries, aims to gather insights that will help [...]
Job Opportunity: One (1) QA Project Staff for the Office of the Chancellor
The UPOU Quality Assurance Office (QAO) is looking for one (1) QA Project Staff for the Office of the Chancellor (OC). Location: Los Baños, Laguna Type: Contract of Services (COS) General Task: The OC QA Project Staff is expected to assist with the QA initiatives of UPOU, [...]
Iskolar Ng Bayan Applications AY 2024-2025
The UP Open University (UPOU) is accepting applicants under the Iskolar ng Bayan (INB) Program AY 2024-2025. The Iskolar ng Bayan Act (RA 10648) was signed into law to democratize access to higher education for deserving public high school graduates. Applicants must submit their duly [...]