UPOU and SPCMC sign MOU for Employee Health Service

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and San Pablo Colleges Medical Center (SPCMC) for the provision of health services. Chancellor Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria represented UPOU while SPCMC was represented by Engr. Roy A. Gutierrez, Chief Operating Officer. The signing was held at the Office of the Chancellor Conference Room, UPOU Headquarters, Los Baños. Laguna on 09 June 2022. The partnership aims to provide medical and hospital services to UPOU employees without requiring an initial deposit. This initiative is part of the University of the Philippines’ Enhanced Hospitalization Programme (eHOPe) [...]

UPOU and SPCMC sign MOU for Employee Health Service2022-06-20T15:48:36+08:00

UPOU Conducts Earthquake and Fire Preparedness Drill

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) joined the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) on 9 June 2022, 9:00 am to assess the responsiveness of the existing disaster preparedness and contingency plans of the University. All faculty and staff practiced the “duck, cover, and hold” as the siren alarmed for 60 seconds. Safety marshals led the safe flow of evacuation to the respective assembly areas, while safety wardens communicated the safety status of the faculty and staff from their respective offices. Reports were directed to Incident Commander Dr. Maripres Sarinas on behalf of Dr. Consuelo Habito, Chair of the [...]

UPOU Conducts Earthquake and Fire Preparedness Drill2023-04-19T14:45:20+08:00

Filipino Social Workers & My Aspirations for My Country

In line with “The Social Work Day” on June 19, 2022, UPOU - Faculty of Management and Development Studies - Diploma in/ Masters of Social Work is collaborating with UPOU-Office of Gender Concerns to hold a (1) poem writing and (2) video making contest that will showcase the perceptions on social work in the Philippines and experiences of Filipino social workers. Note: We are extending the participation to ALL social workers and social work students in the Philippines. Read the mechanics and upload your entries using the following links: (1) Poem Writing - https://forms.gle/1s8vumN7Qknni4rh8 (2) Video Making - https://forms.gle/qWZkDDKt4yC5VCgY9 [...]

Filipino Social Workers & My Aspirations for My Country2022-06-16T14:58:29+08:00

Data Science Program Survey

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) is developing a ladderized program in Data Science. Depending on their track, graduates may earn either a Graduate Certificate or Master in Data Science. The proposed program will have an interdisciplinary approach to Data Science, taking into consideration computing science, social science, humanities, and design. Though it will offer specializations, the program will focus on the application of data science in education and development. It will equip its graduates with a basic understanding of the key technologies in data science and relevant fields; knowledge in management and preservation of data; problem solving [...]

Data Science Program Survey2022-06-16T10:15:55+08:00

UPOU pays Courtesy Call to BSU to Revive Discussions on Creation of ODeL Consortium in PH

With the COVID-19 cases in the country continuing to decline and the restrictions relaxing, University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Chancellor Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria and team paid a courtesy call to the newly appointed Benguet State University (BSU) President, Dr. Felipe S. Comila, on 15 June 2022 at La Trinidad, Benguet. The revival of the discussion on forming the Consortium of Open Universities in the Philippines was discussed, as well as the challenges encountered by BSU during the height of the pandemic. President Comila expressed his strongest support to the forming of the said consortium as a member [...]

UPOU pays Courtesy Call to BSU to Revive Discussions on Creation of ODeL Consortium in PH2022-06-16T12:57:40+08:00

UPOU Ties with International Partners for Workshop on Learner Centered Learning

The UP Open University (UPOU) has partnered with the IBS Foundation, the Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany, Mongolian University of Science and Technology and Peking University in Beijing, China for the International IBS Workshop on Learner Centered Learning (LCL) 2022. This is the 3rd IBS International Workshop and it will be held on 2 - 4 November 2022 in Germany. The IBS LCL Workshop is intended for experts from educational institutions, the government, industries and the society to “discuss the latest research on modern education.” The two-day blended workshop will discuss education technologies and methods targeted at learning more [...]

UPOU Ties with International Partners for Workshop on Learner Centered Learning2022-06-14T13:16:24+08:00

JMDS Call for Papers for Vol. 11, Issue No. 2, 2022

JMDS is a  semi-annual, online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to cater to global or international readership, thus the broad composition of its Board of Editors and Reviewers, by circulating worldwide original research studies and new scientific information on management, development, environment, agriculture, health sciences, ASEAN studies, land valuation, social work, and entrepreneurship. It also features papers addressing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and how open and distance elearning (ODeL) was incorporated or integrated into the study. The deadline for the submission of papers for this issue is on 31 July 2022. Papers submitted later than the deadline will be considered for the next [...]

JMDS Call for Papers for Vol. 11, Issue No. 2, 20222022-06-13T15:08:11+08:00

Research Conversations: Ethics Series 2021 “Ethics in Vulnerable Groups”

The UPOU Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA), in collaboration with the UPOU Institutional Research Ethics Committee and UPOU Research Publications Committee invite you to the 4th episode of the Research Conversations: Ethics Series 2021, titled "Ethics in Vulnerable Groups". Dr. Dan Ballesteros of the Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City Bioethics Center, shall be the resource speaker. Watch this talk on 28 June 2022 (Tuesday), 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PHT) here or in the following sites/pages: UPOU Networks: https://networks.upou.edu.ph/researchconversation/ UPOU Networks FB: https://www.facebook.com/UPOpenUniversityNetworks/live_videos/ UPOU YouTube: https://youtu.be/wInWAaG0ZfI   Register at https://tinyurl.com/regResConEthics4 #UPOpenUniversity [...]

Research Conversations: Ethics Series 2021 “Ethics in Vulnerable Groups”2022-06-08T10:27:01+08:00
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