Job Opportunities with the UPOU ICT Development Office

The UPOU ICT Development Office is looking to fill up the following positions for our growing and exciting team! Administrative Officer  Senior Network Administrator Senior Systems Administrator IT Security Specialist Accepted applicants should be willing to be based at the UPOU Headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna or at the UPOU Diliman Mega Learning Hub in Quezon City. If you are interested, the details for each position and the submission requirements are available here: #UPOpenUniversity

Job Opportunities with the UPOU ICT Development Office2022-08-04T11:03:08+08:00

Research Conversations: Open Science Series

The UP Open University (UPOU) Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA), in collaboration with the UPOU Research Publications Committee invites you to the 1st episode of the Research Conversations: Open Science Series, titled "Open Science: Observations on A Decade of Instability and Change." Dr. Adrianne John R. Galang, Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychology at UP Diliman shall be the resource speaker. Watch this talk on 9 August 2022 (Tuesday), 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (PHT) here or on the following sites/pages: UPOU Networks: UPOU YouTube: UPOU Networks FB: Register at [...]

Research Conversations: Open Science Series2022-08-03T17:22:18+08:00

URGENTLY NEEDED: One (1) Program Research Assistant (Diploma in/Master of Research and Development Management)

Qualifications:  Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job; Very good writing skills; Good communication skills (Oral and Written) in English; Keen to details, can work with less supervision, and proficient in time management; Facility in the use of office computer software (e.g. MS Word, MS Excel, Powerpoint, Photoshop, Illustrator) and the Internet; Other qualifications and skills should include: A strong knowledge in Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop will be at your advantage.   Rate: 30,514 /month Interested parties should email the following on or before 5 August 2022 to [email protected] Application letter addressed to the Dean’s Office, Faculty [...]

URGENTLY NEEDED: One (1) Program Research Assistant (Diploma in/Master of Research and Development Management)2022-08-03T15:19:18+08:00

UPOU Gears Towards Micro-Credentialing

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academics Affairs (OVCAA), spearheaded the Roundtable Discussions (RTD) on Micro-Credentialing on 26 July 2022 via Zoom. During its first session, the activity centered on the Articulation and Integration of Micro-Credentialing in UPOU which would be quintessential in helping learners in forming their skillset and engaging in lifelong learning. The discussion proper started with Dr. Joane V. Serrano, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS). She delved into the definition and role of micro-credentialing in the global perspective as it aims to [...]

UPOU Gears Towards Micro-Credentialing2022-08-01T16:43:36+08:00

MAN Program Pilots Webinar on the Nursing Theories and Frameworks

The Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) Program of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) held a webinar titled “Nursing Theories in the Philippine Context, Episode 1: Nursing Theories and Explanatory Frameworks in Research” on 18 July 2022.  The speaker of the event was Dr. Araceli O. Balabagno, MAN and UP College of Nursing professional lecturer and the former president of the  Gerontology Nursing Association of the Philippines (GNAP). The webinar was moderated by Ms. Ma. Elma L. Mirandilla, lecturer  of the MAN program. The webinar started with the opening remarks [...]

MAN Program Pilots Webinar on the Nursing Theories and Frameworks2023-12-06T15:40:28+08:00

UPOU Faculty Members Contribute as Editor and Writers on Plant Genetics Book

Dr. Inocencio Buot Jr., University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Affiliate Professor from UP Los Baños (UPLB) and former Dean of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS)-UPOU, served as editor and writer of a book titled “Plant Genetic Resources, Inventory, Collection, and Conservation.” Five of the 23 published chapters were also written by UPOU faculty members, including Dr. Buot himself. The book was co-edited by Dr. Siva Ramamoorthy and Dr. Rajasekaran Chandrasekaran of Vellore Institute of Technology, India, and was published by SpringerLink — an online collection of peer-reviewed journal articles and book series in the sciences, social sciences, [...]

UPOU Faculty Members Contribute as Editor and Writers on Plant Genetics Book2022-08-01T09:55:51+08:00

FMDS-UPOU Faculty Members Publish Book Chapter on Heritage Trails as Pathways to SDGs

How can trails be used to make sense of heritage—tangible and intangible—for the attainment of sustainable development goals (SDGs)? This was what Dr. Joane Serrano, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), and Dr. John Martin, UPOU Visiting Professor from the University of Plymouth, United Kingdom aimed to illustrate in the book chapter titled, “Heritage Trails: Pathways to Sustainable Development Goals.” The chapter was co-authored by Jacqueline Nowakowski, a professional freelance archaeologist and educator, and by Dominica Williamson, an interdisciplinary artist called Ecogeographer in sustainable design. It was part [...]

FMDS-UPOU Faculty Members Publish Book Chapter on Heritage Trails as Pathways to SDGs2022-08-01T08:31:20+08:00

FMDS-UPOU Professor presents poster in the RURITAGE Conference in France

Dr. Consuelo dL. Habito, Professor and Program Chair of the Diploma in/Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management, Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), participated as an Additional Replicator during the RURITAGE Final Conference on 8-12 June 2022 at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. RURITAGE is a 4-year project which aims to sustainably enhance and develop the cultural and national heritage potential of rural areas through a heritage-led regeneration approach. The project is part of the Horizon 2020, a research and innovation programme funded by the European Union. As an Additional Replicator, Dr. [...]

FMDS-UPOU Professor presents poster in the RURITAGE Conference in France2022-08-01T08:24:22+08:00

Chancellor Bandalaria Speaks at the Micro-Credentials in Higher Ed Seminar in Thailand

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Chancellor, Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, spoke at the recently concluded seminar entitled, “Micro-Credentials in Thai Higher Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Outlooks from ASEAN and Europe.” The event was held on 20-21 July 2022 at the Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel in Thailand. Dr. Bandalaria was one of the plenary speakers for Session 7 entitled, “ASEAN Case Studies.” Dr. Bandalaria discussed micro-credentialing in the Philippines. She shared about its various articulations, the early models of micro-credentialing at UPOU, the drivers for doing it, the current initiatives and models that are being [...]

Chancellor Bandalaria Speaks at the Micro-Credentials in Higher Ed Seminar in Thailand2022-07-26T08:42:24+08:00

UPOU ProvComm, UP OSR hold Hybrid Dialogue with UPOU Officials

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Provisional Committee (ProvComm) and the University of the Philippines (UP) Office of the Student Regent (OSR) held a hybrid meeting on 30 June 2022, with UPOU Officials at the UPOU Audio Visual Room and online via Zoom. The meeting aimed to discuss the ProvComm accomplishment report and the ratified constitution of the students of UPOU.       UPOU officials who were physically present are Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, Chancellor;  Dr. Joane Serrano, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies; Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo, Director of the Office [...]

UPOU ProvComm, UP OSR hold Hybrid Dialogue with UPOU Officials2023-12-06T15:40:39+08:00
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