UPOU FICS Holds Virtual Orientation for 2022 Newly Admitted Students

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (FICS) conducted a virtual orientation for its newly admitted students for the Academic Year 2022-2023. Students under the Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies (BAMS), Diploma in Computer Science (DCS), Master of Information Systems (MIS), Master of Development Communication (MDC) and Doctor of Communication (DComm) programs participated in the FICS orientation program held through Zoom on 10 September 2022, 1PM.  The program started by introducing FICS to the students then the faculty members including the affiliates, adjunct, lecturers, and tutors. They [...]

UPOU FICS Holds Virtual Orientation for 2022 Newly Admitted Students2023-05-16T09:06:42+08:00

Associate in Arts Program to Hold Its 2nd Digital Humanities Fiesta

The Associate in Arts (AA) Program of the Faculty of Education (FEd), University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) will hold its second Digital Humanities Fiesta on Monday, 19 September 2022 from 1:30 - 3:30 PM via Zoom. This is available to the public. This event aims to showcase the expertise of the faculties-in-charge (FICs) of the AA program and the artistic talents of the AA students. The various presentations will highlight their creativity and skills in forms of art such as video editing and production. Ultimately, this event is expected to allow the participants to fully appreciate the essence [...]

Associate in Arts Program to Hold Its 2nd Digital Humanities Fiesta2022-09-16T10:05:55+08:00

Research Conversations: Open Science Series 2 “Open Education: Historical Narrative of Institutional Challenges Encountered by the UP Open University”

The UPOU Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA), in collaboration with the UPOU Research Publications Committee invites you to the 2nd episode of the Research Conversations: Open Science Series, titled "Open Education: Historical Narrative of Institutional Challenges Encountered by the UP Open University". Dr. Alexander G. Flor, Professor and UP Scientist from the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies at the University of the Philippines Open University, shall be the resource speaker. Register at https://tinyurl.com/regResConOpenScience2. Watch this talk on 23 September 2022 (Friday), 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PHT) here or in the following sites/pages: UPOU Networks: https://networks.upou.edu.ph/researchconversation/ UPOU [...]

Research Conversations: Open Science Series 2 “Open Education: Historical Narrative of Institutional Challenges Encountered by the UP Open University”2022-09-15T16:39:58+08:00

Nominations for Next UP President Now Open

The Board of Regents (BOR) of the University of the Philippines (UP) has opened nominations for the next UP President to succeed President Danilo L. Concepcion, whose term will end on February 09, 2023. This is according to a memorandum released by the UP Office of the Secretary of the University and the BOR on September 08, 2022. The UP BOR has constituted itself as the Search Committee for the next UP President. UP Presidents serve as the Chief Academic Officer, Head of the University Faculty, and Chief Executive Officer of the University for a fixed term of six years [...]

Nominations for Next UP President Now Open2022-09-13T12:11:21+08:00

UPOU Joins ICDE GAC Asia Meeting

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), led by Chancellor Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, was with the members of the ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign on OFDL Task Force Asia for the Working Group Meeting on 6 September 2022.  Task Force Asia includes five Working Groups which handle specific areas of the campaign. UPOU leads WG 2 (Capacity Building) with updates reported by Ms. Margaret Jarmin-Suarez, PDA for Institutional Linkages. She reported that the members of the WG2 was able to meet and was able to identify six activities, including (1) rapid capability building needs assessment and preferred implementation mechanics; [...]

UPOU Joins ICDE GAC Asia Meeting2022-09-13T11:05:38+08:00

NCODeL 2022 Extends Deadline for Abstract Submission

Reimagine the future of open and distance e-learning by joining the 7th National Conference on Open and Distance e-Learning (NCODeL 2022)! The conference is still accepting submissions until 21 September 2022. For those interested, abstracts (maximum of 350 words) for paper and poster presentations should be research-based and in line with the theme “Reimagining Education Futures” with any of the following sub-themes (which can also be found on the NCODeL 2022 conference website, https://ncodel.org/. Flexible models in education Innovating technologies in eLearning Flexible learning pathways for lifelong learning Open educational resources Ensuring Quality in online and distance learning Reskilling and [...]

NCODeL 2022 Extends Deadline for Abstract Submission2022-09-13T10:41:35+08:00

UPOU Welcomes the Angeles University Foundation for Distance Education Benchmarking

The University of the Philippines  Open University (UPOU)  welcomed visitors from the Angeles University Foundation (AUF) in a benchmarking activity on 7 September 2022. The AUF team led by Dr. Jarrent Tayag, Program Chair of the Graduate School of AUF, was welcomed by the Chancellor of UP Open University, Dr. Melinda dela Peña. Bandalaria; the Director of Office of Public Affairs, Dr. Myra C. Almodiel; and UPOU Program Development Associate for International Linkages, Ms. Margaret Jarmin-Suarez. Chancellor Bandalaria discussed UPOU’s practices in its implementation of distance education and management of online learning systems to the team of Deans and Professors [...]

UPOU Welcomes the Angeles University Foundation for Distance Education Benchmarking2022-09-13T12:16:44+08:00

UPOU IREC Standard Operating Procedures Consultation Meeting with Stakeholders

The 2nd round of the UPOU OVCAA Research Conversation on Open Science scheduled on 23 September 2022 will not push through due to unforeseen circumstances.  Our apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused. We will be announcing soon the re-scheduled date and time. Thank you for your usual support. #UPOpenUniversity

UPOU IREC Standard Operating Procedures Consultation Meeting with Stakeholders2022-09-22T16:45:30+08:00

Chancellor Bandalaria to Speak at Times Higher Ed Digital Universities MENA

Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), is lined up as one of the speakers for the Times Higher Education (THE) Digital Universities Middle East and North Africa (MENA) this September 2022.  The event will be held on 12-14 September 2022 in Abi Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Chancellor Bandalaria will be speaking on the topic “Designing a benchmarking framework for Online, Open, Smart and Technology-oriented Higher Education.” Along with her are acclaimed experts in the field of open education, distance education, and technology-enhanced learning. These include Torunn Gjelsvik, Secretary-General of the International [...]

Chancellor Bandalaria to Speak at Times Higher Ed Digital Universities MENA2022-09-12T11:23:09+08:00

ICDE GAC PH Meet to Finalize Campaign Plans

On 6 September 2022, the University of the Philippines Open University spearheaded the first meeting of the Team involved in the Philippine Leg of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Global Advocacy Campaign (GAC) on Open and Flexible Distance Learning (OFDL). Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria warmly welcomed the members of the campaign and gave a chance for each of the participants to introduce themselves. Participants of the meeting are universities that responded to the call for volunteers. These include the University of Batangas, John B. Lacson Maritime University, University of Saint La Salle, Agusan del [...]

ICDE GAC PH Meet to Finalize Campaign Plans2022-09-09T15:49:09+08:00
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