NCODeL 2022 Conference Proper Commences

The National Conference on Open and Distance eLearning officially commenced on 23 November 2022. This year’s theme “Reimagining Education Futures” promotes how Open and Distance eLearning can reshape the future of education. The conference aims to cover all aspects and components of ODeL.  The Opening Ceremony kicked off in high spirits with a welcoming message from the UP President Atty. Danilo L. Concepcion, who shared his thoughts on how technology should be embraced in the learning process, how to create transformative pathways for a more resilient education, and brew passion for lifelong learning. The formal declaration of the NCODeL [...]

NCODeL 2022 Conference Proper Commences2022-11-24T15:21:45+08:00

7th NCODeL Kickstarts with Pre-Conference Workshops in Distance Learning

As an opening salvo for the upcoming 7th National Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (NCODeL), two pre-conference workshops were held on 22 November 2022 to prepare several teacher-participants for the conference. The said workshops aim to equip participants in designing agile and flexible technology-enabled learning and in creating courses using Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Open Educational Resources (OERs). With the first pre-conference workshop entitled “Designing for Flexibility, Agility, and Sustainability: Integrating Technology to the F2F Classroom Teaching and Learning”, the participants were informed of the importance of the conduct of remote teaching in the post-pandemic [...]

7th NCODeL Kickstarts with Pre-Conference Workshops in Distance Learning2022-11-24T13:44:27+08:00

UPOU Joins the PhilCeCNet 17th Knowledge Exchange Conference

Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, UPOU Chancellor and Professor, tackled components of digital inclusion, situated a digital inclusion indicator in the country in relation to other countries, and recommended a model of the Philippine eCenter of the Future towards digital inclusion in the 17th Knowledge Exchange Conference. The Philippine Community eCenter Network, Incorporated (PhilCeCNet) conducted the 17th Knowledge Exchange Conference (KEC) on 3-4 November 2022 via Zoom and live streamed on Facebook and YouTube platforms.  The 2-day virtual event carried the theme “Localizing Global Standards on Digital Inclusion: Towards a Roadmap for Community eCenters.” Ms. Red Dawn Joy [...]

UPOU Joins the PhilCeCNet 17th Knowledge Exchange Conference2022-12-01T11:09:07+08:00

OPEN Talk Episode 28 Tackles the Nature and Misconceptions of Dyscalculia

Dr. Arman DC. Santos (left) and Assoc. Prof. Rainilyn Leonardo-Duque (right) tackled the nature and misconceptions of dyscalculia in the 28th episode of OPEN Talk. OPEN Talk tackled dyscalculia, a form of learning disorder, in the episode titled "Dyscalculia? Ano yon?" on 16 November 2022 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm via the UPOU Networks website and Facebook page. The resource person for this episode was Dr. Arman DC. Santos, a PhD in Education graduate from the Faculty of Education (FEd) of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU).  He is currently an Associate Professor from [...]

OPEN Talk Episode 28 Tackles the Nature and Misconceptions of Dyscalculia2022-11-22T16:17:38+08:00

CHED Chairperson De Vera is NCODeL 2022 Keynote Speaker

The Chair of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Dr. J. Prospero “Popoy” de Vera,  is the Keynote Speaker for the 7th National Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (NCODeL 2022). NCODeL 2022 is a virtual conference for all education practitioners and advocates that will be held on 23 - 25 November 2022.  Dr. de Vera, will be expounding on the theme of the conference, which is “Reimagining Education Futures.” Dr. de Vera has staunchly advocated for the resilience and preparedness of Higher Education in the Philippines and has gained insight from what the Philippine education system in the [...]

CHED Chairperson De Vera is NCODeL 2022 Keynote Speaker2022-11-22T13:24:26+08:00

UPOU OPA joins UP Alumni Relations Committee Convention 2022

The University of the Philippines System Office of Alumni Relations (UPS-OAR) conducted a 2-day Alumni Relations Committee Convention (ARC 2022) on 9-10 November 2022 at the University of the Philippines Diliman. UP Open University (UPOU) Office of Public Affairs (OPA) Director, Dr. Myra C. Almodiel participated in the convention with Ms. Anna Cañas-Llamas, UPOU Information Officer.  The first day of the convention was dedicated to a plenary session that tackled the topic “Building on Achievements of ARC Convention 2021.” The hybrid program was opened by Dr. Elena E. Pernia, UP Vice President for Public Affairs, where she welcome all [...]

UPOU OPA joins UP Alumni Relations Committee Convention 20222024-05-06T11:21:06+08:00

UPOU Strengthens Partnership Through Benchmarking Activity and Renewal of Collaboration with Benguet State University (BSU)

The University of the Philippines Open University welcomed visitors from the Benguet State University (BSU) for a face-to-face benchmarking activity and renewal of collaboration on 8 November 2022.  The team of 15 faculty members and staff from BSU headed by Dr. Leonard T. Apilis, Director of the BSU Open University was welcomed by the UPOU Chancellor, Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), Dr. Joane V. Serrano, Director of the Office of Public Affairs (OPA), Dr. Myra C. Almodiel, Director of the Office of Information and Communication Technology Development Office (ICTDO) and Program [...]

UPOU Strengthens Partnership Through Benchmarking Activity and Renewal of Collaboration with Benguet State University (BSU)2022-12-01T17:06:21+08:00

UPOU Represented at the Webinar on Sharing Best Practices of Asian Universities

Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, Chancellor and Professor, UPOU University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), one of the founding members of Benchmarking Framework for Online, Open, Smart, and Technology-Enhanced Higher Education since February 2019 participated in the Sharing Best Practices of Asian University last 10 November 2022 in a webinar alongside Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU) and the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE).  Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, Chancellor and Professor of UPOU, welcomed attendees to the event by sharing attributes of best practices in open and distance education through inclusion, sharing, [...]

UPOU Represented at the Webinar on Sharing Best Practices of Asian Universities2022-11-24T17:26:22+08:00

UPOU Donates Books to the National Library of the Philippines

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) through the UPOU Library under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs donated UPOU publications and dissertations to the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) last 12 October 2022.  The said Book Donation Drive is part of the University’s mandate through Republic Act (R.A.) 9500 and R.A. 10650 to take lead in ensuring quality education in Open and Distance e-Learning (ODeL). The donation was facilitated by Ms. Jennifer Belen-Bunao, UPOU LIbrarian, and was received by Ms. Melody Madrid, Chief Librarian of the Collection Development Division of NLP. The donated [...]

UPOU Donates Books to the National Library of the Philippines2022-12-01T16:16:52+08:00

Call for Nominations and Schedule of Activities in Line with the Search for the Next Dean of the Faculty of Education

The Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Education hereby announces the call for nominations for the next Dean of the  Faculty of Education. Attached is the call for nominations with the schedule of activities. Please note that Schedule of Activities may be subject to change if the call will only yield one candidate. UPDATE The public forum for the presentation of the FEd's incumbent dean on 5 December 2022 will be postponed. Please standby for the announcement once the schedule of his presentation is finalized. Thank you.

Call for Nominations and Schedule of Activities in Line with the Search for the Next Dean of the Faculty of Education2022-12-05T14:46:23+08:00
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