FMDS-UPOU Joins the Worldwide Teach-in on 29 March 2023

As educators’ obligation to help all students — regardless of discipline — understand the extraordinary moment in which we are living and its potential for change, the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) will be conducting a Let’s Talk it Over (LTiO): Make Climate a Conversation on 29 March 2023, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, via UPOU Networks, UPOU Facebook page, and UPOU YouTube channel. UPOU faculty members will discuss the basics of climate change and climate solutions (what and why), how climate change and climate solutions can be part of ordinary [...]

FMDS-UPOU Joins the Worldwide Teach-in on 29 March 20232023-03-28T12:00:13+08:00

FEd Organizes a Forum on Filipino Women Leaders in STEM Education

In line with the 2023 Women’s Month celebration, the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Education (FEd) organized a forum titled “Filipino Women Leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education” on 23 March 2023 at Audio-Visual Room (AVR), UPOU Main Building and via Zoom. The resource speakers were Dir. Lilia T. Habacon, Executive Director of Philippine Science High School (PhySci HS); Dr. Maricor N. Soriano, Professor of National Institute of Physics, UP Diliman; Dr. Edwehna Elinore S.Paderna, Associate Professor of UP College of Education, UP Diliman, and Dr. Rosanna Marie C. Amongo, Dean of College of [...]

FEd Organizes a Forum on Filipino Women Leaders in STEM Education2023-04-26T09:38:01+08:00

UPOU Approves Guidelines for Official Recognition of University Based Student Organizations

(L-R) Dr. Ria Borromeo, OSA Director; Isaiah Crisanto, UPOU USC Chairperson; and Allen Canimo, UPOU Meet-up Host. The UP Open University  (UPOU) Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Director, Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo, announced that the Guidelines for Official Recognition of University-Based Student Organizations proposed by the Committee for Accrediting Student Organizations (CASO) had been approved by the University. The announcement was done during the  UPOU Meetup hosted by the University Student Council (USC) on 23 March 2023 at the UPOU Centennial Center for Digital Learning (CCDL) Building at the UPOU Headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna.  The event [...]

UPOU Approves Guidelines for Official Recognition of University Based Student Organizations2023-03-23T18:07:49+08:00

UPOU and CODEPP Recognized as Outstanding Partners by Cavite State University

Dr. Hernando D. Robles, President of the Cavite State University (CvSU), and Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and President of the Consortium of Open and Distance Education Providers in the Philippines (CODEPP) pose with the signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between CODEPP Founding Members. In celebration of its 117th Founding Anniversary, Cavite State University (CvSU) recognized the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and the Consortium of Open and Distance Education Providers in the Philippines (CODEPP) for their outstanding support as partner organizations.  Among the notable programs [...]

UPOU and CODEPP Recognized as Outstanding Partners by Cavite State University2023-03-23T17:24:40+08:00

UP BOR Approves Establishment of UPOU Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning (CODTL) and Quality Assurance Office

Two new UP Open University (UPOU) offices have received approval for the establishment from the UP Board of Regents during its 1378th Meeting held on 23 February 2023. These are the Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning and the Quality Assurance Office.  Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning (CODTL) The UPOU Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning (CODTL) is a response to the changes in the educational, technological, and labor landscapes that UPOU had to address since it offered its courses 100% online in 2007. The CODTL is a  streamlined approach to providing [...]

UP BOR Approves Establishment of UPOU Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning (CODTL) and Quality Assurance Office2023-03-21T16:26:15+08:00

Associate of Science in Information Technology Now Available at UP Open University

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) is now accepting applicants to one of its newest undergraduate programs, the Associate of Science in Information Technology (ASIT). Like all other UPOU degree programs, ASIT is delivered fully online and may be taken anywhere at the student’s convenience.  ASIT is designed to provide students with a comprehensive foundation in IT concepts, programming, and web development. It also aims to enhance critical thinking among students to provide technology-based solutions to various problems and prepare them for further undergraduate study, especially in the same field. The program aims to equip students with [...]

Associate of Science in Information Technology Now Available at UP Open University2023-03-21T16:08:02+08:00

UPOU Offers New Undergraduate Degree in Instructional Design and Technology

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) has opened the newest of its programs, the Associate of Science in Instructional Design and Technology (ASIDT), created to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to design and develop effective digital learning materials. The program enables the students to enter a career of educational work in Instructional Design without compromising their opportunity to pursue higher studies at the baccalaureate level. ASIDT aims to equip students with the tools and techniques needed to create engaging and interactive learning experiences, using a range of digital technologies. The two-year program, consisting [...]

UPOU Offers New Undergraduate Degree in Instructional Design and Technology2023-03-24T09:44:58+08:00

UPOU Hosted Benchmarking with UE on DE Practices

UP Open University (UPOU) held a Benchmarking Meeting with the University of the East (UE) on 9 March 2023, via Zoom. The members of the Committee for Operationalization of UE as an open university and staff from UE's Office of Curriculum Development and Instruction (OCDI) benchmarked UPOU's practices in implementing distance education, ensuring quality assurance, and managing online learning systems. The meeting was led by Dr. Myra C. Almodiel, Director of the Office of Public Affairs (OPA), and Ms. Margaret Jarmin-Suarez, Program Development Associate for Institutional Linkages.  The UE delegation included Dr. Melvin Vidar, Director of Curriculum Development and [...]

UPOU Hosted Benchmarking with UE on DE Practices2023-03-21T14:54:54+08:00

Filipino Women Leaders in STEM Education

In celebration of 2023 Women’s Month, the Faculty of Education will be hosting a forum on “Filipino Women Leaders in STEM Education." Our lineup of esteemed forum resource persons will be sharing insights on their inspiring journeys as Filipino women scientists, educators, and leaders in their respective fields in the basic sciences and engineering. There will be opportunities for questions and discussions so you can engage with our distinguished resource persons and other participants to explore this topic in depth. The forum will take place on 23 March 2023, 2-4PM. In-person participants may proceed to the Audio-Visual Room, UPOU [...]

Filipino Women Leaders in STEM Education2023-03-21T13:43:56+08:00

UPOU LLE Students as ARWA 2023 Presenters

Three University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Education’s (FEd) Master of Arts in Language and Literacy Education (MALLE) students, namely Ms. April Acorda, Mr. Jackson Orlanda, and Ms. Florence Calawod, served as presenters at the 7th Annual Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA) held from the Education University of Hong Kong on 23-24 February 2023. Through the encouragement of Dr. Portia Padilla, the Chair of the LLE Programs (Diploma and Master of Arts), the three students participated and presented in the online conference through Zoom. As stated on its website, the conference provides “an interactive platform for [...]

UPOU LLE Students as ARWA 2023 Presenters2023-04-26T13:17:49+08:00
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