Master in Nursing (MAN) EIDR Project Launches Web-Based Related Learning Experience (RLE) Design as a Resource Activity Material

The second project for the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) Program of the UP Open University (UPOU) Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) program was officially launched on 3 April 2023. This was headed by the Asst. Prof. Queenie R. Ridulme, Project Leader, and it marked the beginning of the implementation of the project, titled "Web-Based Related Learning Experience (RLE) Design as a Resource Activity Material." The web-based RLE is an online platform that utilises 360-degree videos of real-world clinical scenarios to develop standardised alternatives to related learning experiences. The platform was designed to provide students enrolled in different courses access [...]

Master in Nursing (MAN) EIDR Project Launches Web-Based Related Learning Experience (RLE) Design as a Resource Activity Material2023-04-17T11:44:24+08:00

Web-based Related Learning Experience Presented at the World Learning Labs Symposium 2023

One of the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR) Projects of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) Master of Arts in Nursing program, namely Development of a Web-based Related Learning Experience (RLE) Design as a Resource Activity Material, was presented at The World Learning Labs Symposium 2023. The hybrid event was hosted in Kyoto, Japan on 27-28 January 2023 to facilitate meaningful discussions on real-world case studies and examples from various countries regarding post-pandemic learning environments and programs. The team was led by Asst. Prof. Queenie Ridulme. The team, represented by Ms. Allysa Mae Gargarino and Ms. Jammille Delos Reyes [...]

Web-based Related Learning Experience Presented at the World Learning Labs Symposium 20232023-04-17T11:38:36+08:00

UPOU Conducts Capacity Building Training on ODeL for Graduate Faculty of UPD PolSci

The UP Open University conducted a Blended Training Course on Open Distance eLearning (ODeL) for the nineteen (19) Graduate Faculty of the Department of Political Science of the University of the Philippines Diliman. The three-day training course held on 11-13 April at UPOU Headquarters provided an overview of distance education and equipped training participants to redesign their existing courses for ODeL Delivery.  This training is spearheaded by UPOU Chancellor Melinda dP. Bandalaria Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Primo G. Garcia, Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning (CODTL) Director Dr. Ricardo T. Bagarinao, and Office of Public [...]

UPOU Conducts Capacity Building Training on ODeL for Graduate Faculty of UPD PolSci2023-04-14T16:48:59+08:00

The April of Paying It Forward: UPOU’s 2023 Blood Donation Drive

In its eleventh year, the UPOU annual blood donation drive was held last 04 April 2023 at the UPOU Oblation Hall, Los Baños, Laguna.  It was organized by the UPOU Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (FICS) in partnership with the Philippine Red Cross - Laguna Chapter and the UPOU Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. It has been the University’s tradition to organize a blood-letting activity anchored in its mission of extending public service and its high hopes of saving lives. An hour before its official start, donors turned up at the Oblation Hall, willingly [...]

The April of Paying It Forward: UPOU’s 2023 Blood Donation Drive2023-04-14T11:53:58+08:00

FEd Conducts a Seminar-Workshop on Academic Practice (SWAP)

As part of the CHED-funded Transformative Academic Practice for Higher Education in the Philippines (TAPHEP) Project with UP Los Baños (UPLB) and other partner HEIs across the country, the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Education (FEd) conducted a Seminar-Workshop on Academic Practice (SWAP). The Seminar-Workshop was held last 29 March 2023, at the Centennial Center for Digital Learning (CCDL) Auditorium, UPOU Headquarters, Los Baños, Laguna. L-R: Asst. Prof. Rita Ramos, Assoc. Prof. Edmund G. Centeno, Engr. Marita Natividad T. de Lumen, Assoc. Prof. Crusty E. Tinio, Asst. Prof. Ana Katrina Marcial, and Dean [...]

FEd Conducts a Seminar-Workshop on Academic Practice (SWAP)2023-04-13T15:35:28+08:00

UPOU FEd Faculty Delivers Lecture about “Effective Writing for Advocacy” at the Youth Empowerment Seminar for the West Philippine Sea 2023

Assistant Professor Mark Pere Madrona, a faculty member from the University of the Philippines Open University Faculty of Education (UPOU FED), served as one of the featured speakers of the Youth Empowerment Seminar for the West Philippine Sea 2023 (#YesWPS) organized by the Philippine Navy Civil Military Operations Group last 31 March 2023. Asst. Prof. Madrona lectured about “Effective Writing for Advocacy” where he gave the participants a crash course on the basics of journalism, including the different news values and nuances when writing news, feature, and opinion articles. In consonance with the event’s theme, “Five Years [...]

UPOU FEd Faculty Delivers Lecture about “Effective Writing for Advocacy” at the Youth Empowerment Seminar for the West Philippine Sea 20232023-04-12T16:42:11+08:00

WEARABLE FUTURES Exhibition Goes to UP Fine Arts Gallery

After its successful exhibition run in March 2023 at the UP Open University 28th Founding Anniversary in Los Baños, Wearable Futures is slated to re-exhibit from 18 April until 29 April 2023 at the Multi-Purpose Hall of the UP Fine Arts Gallery in Diliman, Quezon City. The Wearable Futures exhibition is organized by the FICS-run BUKAS Lab and has two major components: Undergraduate student outputs from the Wearable Futures Hackathon, a 12-week-long hybrid learning experience collaboratively created with and for undergraduate students at UPOU. During the course, students explored wearable technology, e-textiles, speculative design, and futures thinking. The exhibit [...]

WEARABLE FUTURES Exhibition Goes to UP Fine Arts Gallery2023-04-12T08:50:13+08:00

LBHSI Holds Appreciation Night at the UPOU Centennial Plaza for the 50th Flower and Garden Show

The Los Baños Horticulture Society, Inc. (LBHSI) held an Appreciation Night on 01 April 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 PM, at the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Centennial Plaza to celebrate the success of its 50th Flower and Garden Show and to recognize those who contributed to the show’s success. Ms. Vernie Valdez-Lucero, LBHSI President, expressed her gratitude to the LBHSI Board of Directors and members, to the UPOU and UPOU Foundation, Inc. (UPOUFI) as partners, and to God for the success of the Flower and Garden Show’s return since the pandemic. A total of 2,289 visitors [...]

LBHSI Holds Appreciation Night at the UPOU Centennial Plaza for the 50th Flower and Garden Show2023-05-03T13:27:48+08:00

University of the East Benchmarks with UPOU

Dr. Myra C. Almodiel (center), Director of the UPOU Office of Public Affairs, with the visitors from the University of the East. A delegation from the University of the East (UE) visited UP Open University (UPOU) on 3 April 2023 to delve deeper into UPOU’s open and distance e-learning practices. The visiting representatives included Dr. Melvin Vidar, Director for Curriculum Development and Instruction; Prof. Ofelia Nilo, College Secretary, CBA-Manila; Prof. Mildred L. Sotelo, College Secretary, CBA Caloocan; and Prof. Bernadette San Diego, College Secretary, CCss-Manila. Dr. Myra C. Almodiel, Director of UPOU Office of Public Affairs, steered [...]

University of the East Benchmarks with UPOU2023-05-03T13:55:34+08:00

Open Talk : ChatGPT: The Dark Side and Bright Future of AI

In the previous episode, we introduced ChatGPT and discussed its purpose. In this upcoming episode of OPEN Talk's Series on ChatGPT, we will delve into the implications of Artificial Intelligence, exploring both its benefits and consequences. Specifically, we will examine the potential downsides of using ChatGPT or AI in educational institutions, and explore the ethical considerations that arise when using this technology. We will also examine the positive contributions that these technologies can make.  Join us and be a part of the conversation on 13 April 2023, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, for the second episode of the series, [...]

Open Talk : ChatGPT: The Dark Side and Bright Future of AI2023-04-04T08:43:21+08:00
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