Artificial Intelligence in Language Education: An Immersive Learning Presentation at JALT CALL 2024

Educators and researchers from around the globe converged at Meijo University Dome Mae Campus in Nagoya, Japan, from May 17 to May 19, 2024, for the JALT CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) Conference. This year’s theme, “The Impact of AI in Language Education,” drew enthusiastic participation as experts delved into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in teaching languages. Keynote speakers Takako Aikawa and Joel Tetreault set the tone for the conference, delivering insightful addresses on AI’s evolving role in enhancing language acquisition and communication skills. Aikawa, known for her groundbreaking research in educational technology, delved into the possibilities of [...]

Artificial Intelligence in Language Education: An Immersive Learning Presentation at JALT CALL 20242024-07-30T19:16:33+08:00

An Educator-Learner Inspiring Others to Keep On Learning

With her Graduate Certificate in Distance Education (GCDE) degree, Teresita Noche-Banag aims to share her journey and new knowledge with her friends, family, and colleagues and inspire them to continue learning regardless of their age. Teresita was motivated by her Master's degree adviser to enroll at the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) to continue learning. Her experience of studying at UPOU was daunting, especially because she was not tech-savvy and had no online learning experience at her age. However, she overcame this anxiety with the help of her colleagues. All these challenges helped her develop more patience. [...]

An Educator-Learner Inspiring Others to Keep On Learning2024-05-24T14:16:18+08:00

UPOU FMDS MAN and UP Manila College of Nursing Conducted a 3-day Writeshop for Master in Nursing Education

The Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) Program of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), UP Open University (UPOU) and UP Manila College of Nursing (UPCN) recently held a writeshop at the UPOU Academic Residences from 10-12 May 2024. The three-day event was a collaborative effort to create a joint Master’s degree to meet the growing demand for qualified nurse educators. The writing workshop held was in line with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals to to provide for SDG 4: Quality Education, contributing to SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being and, [...]

UPOU FMDS MAN and UP Manila College of Nursing Conducted a 3-day Writeshop for Master in Nursing Education2024-05-23T11:41:55+08:00

UPOU Takes Part in OU5 Research Forum and Meeting in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) participated in the Open University 5 (OU5) Research Forum and Meeting held from 24-26 April 2024, in the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Gathered in the elegant setting of the Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta, representatives consisting of university administrators and researchers from five open universities convened for research project presentations and presidents’ meetings. Among them were delegates from Universitas Terbuka (UT), Open University Malaysia (OUM), Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), and Hanoi Open University (HOU). The ceremony commenced with welcoming remarks from all OU5 presidents: Prof. [...]

UPOU Takes Part in OU5 Research Forum and Meeting in Yogyakarta, Indonesia2024-05-30T16:20:38+08:00

UPOU-FMDS to Launch PRIME Program to Foster Interdisciplinary Research- and Extension-Oriented Initiatives among LGUs Addressing SDGs 8, 9, and 4

Following the capacity development gap observed among the members of the Local Government Academy (LGA) of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Local Governance Regional Resource Centers (LGRRCs), the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) of University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) will be launching the first phase of Policy Research Ideation through Mentorship and Engagement or PRIME on 21-24 May 2024 through a collaboration between the Policy Innovation and Learning Laboratory for Sustainability (PILLS), Diploma in/Master of Research and Development Management (D/MRD&DM) and Master of Public Management (MPM). By focusing on SDG 8: [...]

UPOU-FMDS to Launch PRIME Program to Foster Interdisciplinary Research- and Extension-Oriented Initiatives among LGUs Addressing SDGs 8, 9, and 42024-05-24T15:21:21+08:00

UPOU Faculty Members Conduct Training Program for DOST-FNRI

A training program that aimed to equip selected Department of Science and Technology (DOST) personnel with knowledge and skills to design and evaluate suitable multimedia educational materials for their respective offices was conducted by UPOU faculty members. Asst. Professor Luisa A. Gelisan of the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies and Mr. Lexter J. Mangubat, Instructor at the Faculty of Education gave talks and facilitated workshops on the conduct of front-end analysis (FEA), instructional design, and proposal preparation for learning materials development. Front-end analysis is the first step in the instructional design process. It facilitates the identification of project [...]

UPOU Faculty Members Conduct Training Program for DOST-FNRI2024-05-31T14:33:23+08:00

Philippine Team of MicroCASA Holds a 2-day Writeshop to Revise the Microcredential Course on Digital Competency

The MicroCASA team in the Philippines is led by the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD), and the Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) and are composed of Dr. Joane Serrano (Dean of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies), Asst. Prof. Peter Sy (AVP for Digital Transformation of the UP System), Dr. Dennis Batangan, Dr. Marita Guevara, Mr. Jacob Carpio, Ms. Sydney Rovin Macahiya, Ms. Janelle Ebron, Ms. Dina Mae Rejano, and Ms. Katheryn Hidalgo. The 2-day writeshop is currently ongoing at the Sandbox, UPOU Headquarters to review and revise the Digital Workplace [...]

Philippine Team of MicroCASA Holds a 2-day Writeshop to Revise the Microcredential Course on Digital Competency2024-05-24T16:35:04+08:00

A Dream Come True of Making History at UPOU

In 2023, the UP Open University (UPOU) produced two of the first summa cum laude graduates in history. One of them is Mickey Angel Cortez, and creating history with UPOU became her main drive to success. However, this is no walk in the park. Like the typical UP student, Mickey faced many challenges before claiming her sweet UP Sablay. Mickey’s interest in multimedia led her to enroll in the Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies. UPOU’s learning mode perfectly fits her learning style of knowing and discovering things independently. This learning experience has also helped her become more independent.  [...]

A Dream Come True of Making History at UPOU2024-05-17T14:37:59+08:00

FMDS-UPOU Faculty Involved in the Development of Competency Standards for Advanced Social Work Practice in the Philippines

Last 18 April 2024, Assoc. Prof. Finaflor F. Taylan (Diploma in/Master of Social Work [D/MSW Program Chair], and Office of Gender Concerns [OGC] Director) attended the Consultative Meeting of the Career Progression and Specialization Program and Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (CPSP-CATS) Committee for Social Workers under the Professional Regulation Board (PRC). She represented the Technical Working Group (TWG) on Community Organization (CO) and discussed competency standards for advanced social work practice in community organization. This presentation was part of the TWG on Community Organization’s effort to set higher benchmarks for advanced social workers involved in community-level interventions. Assoc. [...]

FMDS-UPOU Faculty Involved in the Development of Competency Standards for Advanced Social Work Practice in the Philippines2024-05-20T08:24:18+08:00

UPOU-CSC Collaboration Aims for Civil Servant Training Programs Through Microcredentialing in Alignment with SDGs 8 and 17

Building on an initial meeting held on 22 March 2024, the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and the Civil Service Commission (CSC) throug the Civil Service Institute (CSI) have agreed to forge a partnership aimed at transforming civil service training in the Philippines. In a recent meeting held on 13 May 2024 at the Teaching and Learning Hub, UP Open University Headquarters, Los Baños, Laguna, both institutions outlined a collaborative effort to develop and offer innovative courses aimed at enhancing digital transformation, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, digital competency, organizational development, climate literacy, disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM), [...]

UPOU-CSC Collaboration Aims for Civil Servant Training Programs Through Microcredentialing in Alignment with SDGs 8 and 172024-05-17T15:21:23+08:00
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