Successful Scoping Workshop by UPOU-FMDS Targets Professional Development for Filipino Nurses Abroad

The University of the Philippines Open University – Faculty of Management and Development Studies (UPOU-FMDS) hosted a scoping workshop on 10 August 2024, 1:00 – 3:00 PM via Zoom to address the challenges faced by Filipino nurses working internationally, particularly in the Middle East. The workshop’s objectives included conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to identify the key challenges faced by nurses, exploring broader issues encountered by OFWs, and assessing personal and educational needs. The findings will guide the development of micro-credential programs tailored to address these challenges and support career advancement. The meeting marked a significant step forward in [...]

Successful Scoping Workshop by UPOU-FMDS Targets Professional Development for Filipino Nurses Abroad2024-08-19T11:46:13+08:00

UPOU Office of Gender Concerns Director and D/MSW Program Chair joins SEAOHUN 3rd Gender VCoP 2024 as Resource Speaker

Source: Southeast Asia One Health University Network (Facebook Page Dr. Finaflor F. Taylan, the Program Chair of the Diploma in and Master of Social Work of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) and Director of the Office of Gender Concerns of the University of the Philippines-Open University (UPOU) served as a resource speaker during the Third Gender Virtual Community of Practice (VCoP)  Webinar titled “Advancing Gender Equity in One Health: Insights and Success Stories” of the Southeast Asia One Health University Network in collaboration with Malaysia One Health University Network (MyOHUN) and the Philippine One Health [...]

UPOU Office of Gender Concerns Director and D/MSW Program Chair joins SEAOHUN 3rd Gender VCoP 2024 as Resource Speaker2024-08-13T15:38:44+08:00

UPOU-OGC Director and PDA Present Gender Issues within the Education System at Cavite State University’s Teacher Training Workshop, Highlighting SDG 5 & SDG 4

On August 6, 2024, the Office of Gender Concerns of UPOU facilitated a training workshop with the administrators and faculty of Cavite State University. Dr. Finaflor F. Taylan, Director of the Office of Gender Concerns and Program Chair of the Diploma in Social Work at the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), and Dr. Maria Lourdes Jarabe, Program Development Associate of OGC-UPOU and Program Chair of the Diploma in Women and Development served as resource speakers in Cavite State University’s Training-Workshop entitled Gender Matters! Embedding GAD Principles to Inclusive Education held in the International Convention (ICON) Center, Cavite [...]

UPOU-OGC Director and PDA Present Gender Issues within the Education System at Cavite State University’s Teacher Training Workshop, Highlighting SDG 5 & SDG 42024-08-13T15:34:48+08:00

UPOU FICS in Partnership with UPLB CDC Conducts Training Workshop on Advanced Business Writing for DOST-SEI Administrative Staff

The University of the Philippines Open University Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (UPOU FICS), in partnership with the University of the Philippines Los Baños College of Development Communication (UPLB CDC), recently conducted a training workshop for the administrative staff of the Department of Science and Technology Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI). Entitled “Essential Writing Skills 2.0: Advanced Business Writing Training Workshop,” the event was held from 15-16 July 2024 at the Germanium Training Room, MIRDC Gold Building, DOST Compound, Bicutan, Metro Manila. Dr. Emely M. Amoloza of UPOU FICS, serving as the overall training organizer and course designer, alongside [...]

UPOU FICS in Partnership with UPLB CDC Conducts Training Workshop on Advanced Business Writing for DOST-SEI Administrative Staff2024-08-13T13:38:31+08:00

UPOU & Japan Foundation Manila Solidifies Partnership through MOU Signing

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and the Japan Foundation Manila (JFM) solidified their collaborative ties through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 8 August 2024. The event marked a significant milestone in the partnership that has been steadily growing over the past few months. UPOU Chancellor Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria expressed her enthusiasm for the formalized partnership, emphasizing its importance in addressing the sector's needs benefiting from Japanese language education. Dr. Bandalaria manifested her gratitude to JFM for their trust and confidence in UPOU. She also acknowledged the instrumental role of Dr. Roberto [...]

UPOU & Japan Foundation Manila Solidifies Partnership through MOU Signing2024-08-09T17:00:03+08:00

Education Revolutionized, ODeL Amplified through UP VINTA

University of the Philippines (UP) President Angelo A. Jimenez formally launched the 10 UP Flagship Programs (FP) on 18 June 2024 in time with UP’s 118th Founding Anniversary. The fourth FP is “Open Distance e-Learning (ODeL) for National and Global Reach,” which the UP Open University was commissioned to fulfill when it was created in 1995. ODeL is the very heart of UPOU, and the UP System's embrace of it as its core strategic function is an amplification of the ongoing mission of UP Open University. UPOU has long championed ODeL, advocating for initiatives such as the passage of [...]

Education Revolutionized, ODeL Amplified through UP VINTA2024-08-09T16:43:28+08:00

UPOU Welcomes the Trinity University of Asia for a Benchmarking Visit

The University of the Philippines Open University welcomed Trinity University of Asia for a benchmarking visit on 08 August 2024 at UPOU Headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna.  Visitors from Trinity University of Asia were headed by Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Howell Ho, together with Dr. Mark Francisco, Dean of Medical Technology; Dr. Julius Somera, Principal of the Trinity High School; Dr. Mark Daevid Adem, Faculty of College of Hospitality and Tourism Management; Engr. May Anne Laciste, Manager of Trinitian Center for Education and Technology; and Ms. Matilde C. Asuncion, Vice President for Administration and Finance.  Dr. Myra [...]

UPOU Welcomes the Trinity University of Asia for a Benchmarking Visit2024-08-09T16:54:34+08:00

DISCIPLINE: The Game-Changer and Key to Success of an Overseas Student based in Japan

Justin Kyle Marasigan completed his Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies (BAMS) program and graduated as Magna Cum Laude. Residing in Japan, he found that studying at the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) was the only viable path to achieving his academic goals. His experience at UPOU has contributed significantly to his career as a game designer in Japan. His experience at UPOU has contributed significantly to his career path in Japan. He gained creative skills such as photography, photo editing, and video editing that have helped him grow as a professional. He also developed self-discipline and [...]

DISCIPLINE: The Game-Changer and Key to Success of an Overseas Student based in Japan2024-08-09T11:03:56+08:00

UPOU-FMDS Hosts a Writeshop with UPLB-CFNR on CARBON ZERO: Climate Awareness, Reduction Basics, and Neutrality-Zeroing of Emissions MOOC

The University of the Philippines Open University – Faculty of Management and Development Studies (UPOU-FMDS) partnered with the University of the Philippines Los Baños – College of Forestry and Natural Resources (UPLB-CFNR) host a Writeshop on designing and developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) focused on Carbon Neutral Professionals, titled CARBON ZERO: Climate Awareness, Reduction Basics, and Neutrality-Zeroing of Emissions. The event took place on 26 July 2024, at the Audio-Visual Room (AVR) of the UPOU Headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna. FMDS Dean Dr. Joane V. Serrano opened the event with a comprehensive overview of the agenda and [...]

UPOU-FMDS Hosts a Writeshop with UPLB-CFNR on CARBON ZERO: Climate Awareness, Reduction Basics, and Neutrality-Zeroing of Emissions MOOC2024-08-19T11:53:27+08:00

UPOU Project Lakbay to Fly Trolley Drivers to Taiwan

Seven trolley drivers and one youth representative from the trolley community of San Antonio, Los Baños, Laguna, will visit Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 24 September 2024. They have been selected as participants of Project LAKBAY (Learning Actively through Knowledge-Based Appreciation for Youth: A Youth Cultural and Learning Immersion Camp), a project of UP Open University and EduConnect Southeast Asia Association. Project LAKBAY is also part of the International University Social Responsibility (IUSR) collaborative program, which is envisioned to create spaces for the youth and community members to contribute to the vision of sustainable development. The purpose of bringing the trolley [...]

UPOU Project Lakbay to Fly Trolley Drivers to Taiwan2024-08-08T14:25:43+08:00
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