Fellowship Grants Available for ICODeL 2021

The 4th International Conference on Open and Distance e-Learning (ICODeL 2021) announces the availability of conference fellowship grants to cover the registration fee of Filipino participants.  The ICODeL 2021 Conference Fellowship is open to academic and administrative staff members from higher educational institutions (HEIs) and state universities and colleges (SUCs), training personnel from government and non-government institutions, and academic and administrative staff members from the Basic Education sector.  Paper presenters, authors, and speakers will be given priority for the grant.  Applicants are required to submit a Conference Fellowship Application Form before the conference and the Ee-entry Action Plan (REAP) one [...]

Fellowship Grants Available for ICODeL 20212021-08-31T14:58:45+08:00

Call for Application: Film as a Tool for Advocacy on GCED

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (UNESCO APCEIU) invites UPOU students to the virtual workshop, Film as a Tool for Advocacy on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) to be held from 6 September - 8 October 2021. This workshop targets young global citizens who are interested in media and film. This workshop will mainly deal with how to produce a social impact film and how to utilize it as an effective tool for advocacy on GCED. Throughout the workshop, participants will be able to acquire advanced knowledge and practical skills on impact cinema, and will experience [...]

Call for Application: Film as a Tool for Advocacy on GCED2021-08-27T14:45:36+08:00

EDUtech Thailand

Dr. Joane Serrano, Director of Office of Public Affairs, UP Open University (UPOU) will serve as a moderator at the EDUtech Thailand on 14 & 15 September 2021. Catch her moderating the live panel “Campus of the future: What does it look like?” Sign up for your free pass now at https://bit.ly/3xfwjPW/. #UPOpenUniversity

EDUtech Thailand2021-08-27T16:25:46+08:00

UPOU-AA Program Conducts Seminar-Workshop Series on Podcasting, Digital Art Illustration, Website Creation, and Creative Writing

The Associate in Arts (AA) Program of the University of the Philippine Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Education (FEd)  held a series of online seminars and workshops on podcasting, art illustration, and website creation on 24 July, 31 July, and 14 August 2021. The initiative was conceptualized and spearheaded by Dr. Merites M. Buot, Professor at the Department of Human Kinetics, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), and the current AA Program Chair.  This initiative is a response to one of the AA program's objectives which is to help students develop skills and competencies [...]

UPOU-AA Program Conducts Seminar-Workshop Series on Podcasting, Digital Art Illustration, Website Creation, and Creative Writing2023-04-20T13:13:19+08:00

UP Presidential Scholarship Grant First Semester/Trimester AY 2021-2022

The deadline of application for UP Presidential Scholarship Grant First Semester/Trimester AY 2021-2022 is on 30 August 2021. For details on the application requirements, visit https://osa.upou.edu.ph/scholarships/ For further inquiries, please email [email protected]. #UPOpenUniversity

UP Presidential Scholarship Grant First Semester/Trimester AY 2021-20222021-08-27T16:20:06+08:00

New eProceedings Video Materials: A Forum on Philippine Higher Education of the Future

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the future of education arrived early for all of us. The once-futuristic visions of a university of the future escalated and shifted from trends and predictions to reality. The Forum on the Philippine Higher Education of the Future served as a virtual summit of the world’s leading advocates for sustainable and innovative education as well as notable leaders in the field of internationalization. The forum discussions on new perspectives in enhancing and bringing out our Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) potential attempted to provide a blueprint for a more sustainable and future-ready education system in the [...]

New eProceedings Video Materials: A Forum on Philippine Higher Education of the Future2021-08-27T16:29:38+08:00

Webinar 67: “Breakthrough Infections: Bakunado na Ako, Bakit COVID (+) Ako Ngayon?”

Vaccinations effectively reduce the risk and severity of contracting COVID-19, but there have been cases of breakthrough infections. The UP “Stop COVID Deaths” webinar will get to the truth of breakthrough infections. Watch this Friday, Aug. 27, at 12:00 noon. Read more here: hhttps://up.edu.ph/up-webinar-to-investigate-breakthrough-covid-infections/ Register here: bit.ly/StopCOVIDDeathsWebinar67 #UPOpenUniversity

Webinar 67: “Breakthrough Infections: Bakunado na Ako, Bakit COVID (+) Ako Ngayon?”2021-08-27T18:56:16+08:00

It’s Time to Love Myself: A Talk on Self-Compassion

The UP Alpha Phi Omega Sorority ETA Alumnae Association, Inc., in cooperation with the UP System Office of Alumni Relations and Office of the Vice President for Public Affairs, brings you “It's Time to Love Myself: A Talk on Self-Compassion” with Rachel Ann Rosales Parr, PhD, Developmental Psychologist with the MLAC Institute for Psychological Services. This is a FREE ZOOM WEBINAR on August 28, 2021 09:00am (Saturday; MNL Time) To register in advance for this webinar, click the link: tinyurl.com/LoveMyselfWebinar #UPOpenUniversity

It’s Time to Love Myself: A Talk on Self-Compassion2021-08-27T15:46:00+08:00

UPOU Launches Free Online Course on Wikipedia Editing and Fighting Historical Distortions

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) in collaboration with the Human Rights Violations Victims Memorial Commission (HRVVMC) and the Bantayog ng mga Bayani Foundation  launched a free online course on Wikipedia Editing and Fighting Historical Distortion on 20 August 2021 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM via Zoom. Aside from the launch of the online course, a Webinar on Online Databases for Research on the Martial Law Period: Preliminary Session was also organized by the HRVVMC.  Titled “Crash Course on Wikipedia Editing,” this online course is part of the  2021 Martial Law Wikipedia Edit-a-thon project of the HRVVMC. [...]

UPOU Launches Free Online Course on Wikipedia Editing and Fighting Historical Distortions2023-04-20T13:15:22+08:00

Webinars on Résumé Writing and Job Interview Preparation and Diskarte’t Disenyo sa Pagbuo ng Tula

  Getting back to school? Preparing to get a job in the future? Looking for a new hobby? The Ugnayan ng Pahinungód UPOU will be conducting webinars on (1) Résumé Writing and Job Interview Preparation, and (2) Diskarte't Disenyo sa Pagbuo ng Tula, scheduled on the 25th and 27th of August, 2021, 2:00PM, respectively. These webinars are offered to Grade 10-12 students. To know more about this, click the link :https://pahinungod.upou.edu.ph/?p=870 #UPOpenUniversity

Webinars on Résumé Writing and Job Interview Preparation and Diskarte’t Disenyo sa Pagbuo ng Tula2021-08-27T18:56:38+08:00
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