UPOU’s free open online courses to aid universities  to prepare amidst threats of COVID-19

UPOU’s free open online courses to aid universities to prepare amidst threats of COVID-19

As the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) continues to spread globally and with the alert level raised to code red sub-level 1” by the Philippine Department of Health (DOH), many of the crucial matters in life need to be rethought and rearranged. This includes not just work arrangements, but education as well. One option that is gaining rapid popularity is to maximize the use of the internet which allows the employees to work from home, and educational institutions to take advantage of online learning. 

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), the country’s leader in online learning and distance education, has the perfect solution to help universities and colleges offer their courses online. UPOU developed a special set of five courses to capacitate teachers, administrators, and support staff in using open and distance elearning (ODeL) as an alternative to classroom-based education.  These include

  1. Designing Learning in ODeL 
  2. Content Development for ODeL
  3. Assessment of Learning in ODeL
  4. Teaching and Learning with Modern ICTs
  5. Technologies in ODeL

These courses are available from 10 March to 18 April 2020 on model.upou.edu.ph. Completers of the courses will receive a digital certificate. 

All educational institutions who are resorting to elearning may avail of UPOU’s massive open online courses (MOOCs) for free. The courses are also open to anyone who is interested to learn more about ODeL. No admission requirement is necessary

For more information, email [email protected].

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5 days left to apply!UPCAT 2026 admissions for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 will be open until 31 March 2025, Monday.Current Grade 11 students this SY 2024-2025 who will graduate from senior high school by SY 2025-2026, and current Grade 12 students or Senior High School graduates who have not taken the UPCAT in the previous cycles are eligible to apply.School officials must fill out the high school profile and confirm their students in the Form 2A portal by 04 April 2025, for applicants to receive their test permit in July 2025.UPCAT 2026 will be administered on 02 and 03 August 2025. Kindly ensure that you will be able to go to your chosen testing center on the exam dates.Do NOT withdraw if you have entered incorrect information in your application.Access the online application portal at upcat2026online.up.edu.ph/If you have questions, please visit the online helpdesk at bit.ly/upcat2026onlinehelpdesk#UPCAT2026 #UPCAT #upofficeofadmissions5 days left to apply!UPCAT 2026 admissions for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 will be open until 31 March 2025, Monday.Current Grade 11 students this SY 2024-2025 who will graduate from senior high school by SY 2025-2026, and current Grade 12 students or Senior High School graduates who have not taken the UPCAT in the previous cycles are eligible to apply.School officials must fill out the high school profile and confirm their students in the Form 2A portal by 04 April 2025, for applicants to receive their test permit in July 2025.UPCAT 2026 will be administered on 02 and 03 August 2025. Kindly ensure that you will be able to go to your chosen testing center on the exam dates.Do NOT withdraw if you have entered incorrect information in your application.Access the online application portal at upcat2026online.up.edu.ph/If you have questions, please visit the online helpdesk at bit.ly/upcat2026onlinehelpdesk#UPCAT2026 #UPCAT #UPOfficeofAdmissions ... See MoreSee Less
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