The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) welcomes the new set of University of the Philippines Open University Alumni Foundation Inc. (UPOUAFI) officers for 2020-2023. The online election of the  new set of officers was held from 11 to 15 August 2020.

New graduates and alumni of UPOU programs participated in the election for the continuity of UPOU alumni representation in the UP community. Each UPOU alumna/alumnus nominated three graduates. The 10 nominees with the most number of votes were qualified for the Officer positions, the election of  which was held during another voting session with the outgoing UPOUAFI Officers.

Here are the newly elected UPOUAFI Officers for 2020-2023:

The UPOUAFI President is Ms. Ma. Mahalia Cristina B. Marci, a graduate of the Diploma in Language and Literacy Education (DLLE) of the UPOU Faculty of Education (FEd).

Also a DLLE graduate, Ms. Analiza M. Meliton is the UPOUAFI Vice President.

Mr. Herbert P. Samcho is the Secretary, while Mr. Ericson A. Trinidad is the Treasurer. Both are graduates of DLLE.

A graduate of the UPOU FEd’s Diploma in Science Teaching program, Mr. Renzdy A. Mejilla is the Public Relations Officer.

The UPOUAFI Board of Trustees are: Ms. Gloria Antczak, DLLE graduate; Mr. Dominic P. Almirez, DLLE graduate; Ms. Dina Imatong, Diploma in Research and Development Management graduate; Ms. Johnievic Valdez, Diploma in International Health graduate; Mr. Melbourne Piccio, Diploma in Social Studies Education graduate; and Mr. Dhojie N. Yanto, Diploma in Mathematics Teaching graduate.

The UPOUAFI is a non-stock, non-profit organization constituted by the pioneering alumni of the UPOU. Previously called the UPOU Alumni Association, its first set of officers were elected in February 2001, and in February 2006, UPOU Alumni Association became UPOUAFI.

The UPOU Office of Public Affairs (OPA) handles UPOU alumni relations and is the designated office to coordinate with recognized UPOU Alumni Associations during their activities.