On 30 April 2024, the University of the Philippines Open University Information and Communication Technology Development Office (ICTDO) released the mobile version of its virtual classroom, MyPortal. Dubbed MyPortal Mobile, this application may be downloaded on any smart device through the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. 

MyPortal Mobile was developed to help UPOU students have easier access to their virtual classroom whenever and wherever they are. It allows students to receive instant push notifications for announcements, deadlines, and messages. It also allows the students to participate in class discussions and perform activities anywhere in the world, even when in transit to their work locations. MyPortal Mobile also boasts a user-friendly interface designed for ease of use on mobile devices. 

MyPortal is an open-source learning management system where UPOU students officially share virtual spaces for each offered course. MyPortal, powered by Moodle, was adopted in 2007 when UPOU adopted an online mode to deliver its courses and provide access to various support services for UPOU students.

Written by Anna Cañas-Llamas ♦ Edited by Reinald Pugoy and Eriberto Roxas, Jr. 

Sustainable Development Goals


ATM: The UPOU Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), as part of the Zero Waste Month Culminating Activities, is currently holding the Presentation of the Institutional Waste Management Plan (IWMP) at AVR, UPOU Headquarters. Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, Chancellor of UPOU, opened the event. This program will conduct the presentation of the IWMP involving Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS) and waste projection, protocol/workflow, and proposed solutions (including the design for MRF). There will also be a Sign-Up for Volunteers and Community Currency Onboarding.#UPOpenUniversity #SDG6 #SDG11 ... See MoreSee Less
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