The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Quality Assurance Office (QAO) hosted a two-day Echo Training on the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Programme Level Assessment. Held on 15-16 August 2024 at the CCDL Auditorium, the intensive training aimed to guide UPOU faculty and Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Writing Teams in developing their program’s SAR. Led by trained UPOU faculty members, the training provided a comprehensive discussion of the AUN-QA Programme Level Assessment within the context of UPOU’s open and distance e-learning framework.
Asst. Prof. Mari Anjeli L. Crisanto, QAO Director, opened the program by outlining the training’s rationale and learning outcomes. Dr. Primo G. Garcia, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA), followed with an introduction to Quality Assurance in Higher Education, featuring the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle and the AUN-QA Framework and Assessment Models.

(left) QAO Director Mari Anjeli Crisanto delivering the opening remarks; (right) VCAA Primo Garcia discussing the principles of quality assurance
Following this, eight sessions were held, each addressing one criterion of the AUN-QA Programme Level Criteria. The first day covered Criteria 1 to 4, with sessions led by the following resource speakers: Asst. Prof. Ria Valerie D. Cabanes, QA Officer for the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS); Asst. Prof. Roja L. Rivera, former QA Officer for the Faculty of Education (FEd); Dr. Diego S. Maranan, Dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (FICS); and Dr. Charisse T. Reyes, Dean of FEd.

(from left to right; top to bottom) FMDS QA Officer Ria Valerie Cabanes, former FEd QA Officer Roja Rivera, FICS Dean Diego Maranan, and FEd Dean Charisse Reyes, each discussing AUN-QA Programme Level Criteria 1 to 4, respectively
The training continued on the second day with sessions on Criteria 5 to 8. Resource speakers included Dr. Joane V. Serrano, FMDS Dean; Dr. Ria Mae H. Borromeo, Director of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA); Dr. Emely M. Amoloza, FICS QA Officer; and Dr. Consuelo dL. Habito, former FMDS QA Officer.

(from left to right; top to bottom) FMDS Dean Joane Serrano, OSA Director Ria Mae Borromeo, FICS QA Officer Emely Amoloza, and former FMDS QA Officer Consuelo Habito, each discussing AUN-QA Programme Level Criteria 5 to 8, respectively
In addition to serving as the event’s moderator, Dr. Aurora V. Lacaste, Program Development Associate (PDA) for QAO, along with Asst. Prof. Joel De Castro, PDA for Information Systems Development, facilitated the training, particularly in the task and group discussions and presentations. These activities allowed participants to apply, share, and collaborate on what they had learned from each session. During the question and answer portions, participants were able to raise inquiries and seek clarifications regarding the writing of their SARs.

(left) PDA-QAO Aurora Lacaste and (right) PDA-ISD Joel De Castro facilitating the training and group discussions
A total of 21 participants, composed of faculty members, SAR Writing Teams, and QA support staff from FEd, FICS, and FMDS, joined the training.

Participants of the AUN-QA Tier 1 Echo Training, including UPOU faculty members, SAR Writing Teams, and QA support staff
Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, UPOU Chancellor, delivered the closing remarks, emphasizing the importance of on-site training in an institution primarily focused on distance learning. Chancellor Bandalaria noted that while UPOU excels in online education, in-person training sessions offer valuable opportunities for immediate feedback and dynamic discussions that enhance the overall learning experience.

UPOU Chancellor Melinda Bandalaria delivering the closing remarks for the Echo Training on the AUN-QA Program Level Assessment
This echo training underscores UPOU QAO’s ongoing commitment to maintaining and improving quality assurance initiatives, aligning with the UP System’s broader QA objectives. By investing in such programs, UPOU continues to strengthen its position as a leader in open and distance education while ensuring the highest standards of academic quality.
Written by MPisueña and LStaAna ♦ Contributed by UPOU Quality Assurance Office