The Second Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill for 2021 was held on 8 June 2021 and UP Open University (UPOU) actively participated in the activity. This activity was spearheaded by the UPOU Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Committee chaired by Dr. Consuelo DL. Habito, Professor of UPOU Faculty Management and Development Studies, and Program Chair of the UPOU Diploma in and Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management. 

An email reminder was sent to all employees by the Crisis Communication Team, especially those who are on work from home (WFH) arrangement. In an email sent to Safety Wardens, Dr. Habito gave the reminder for the simultaneous earthquake drill, including the roles of the Route Marshals, Sweepers and Assembly Marshals for each UPOU building. Safety Wardens were to submit the report to the DRRM Committee which will be submitted to the UP Resiliency Institute.

At exactly 9:00 AM, UPOU personnel who are reporting for work at the office, and those who are on WFH, ducked, covered and held on. Employees who reported physically for work then exited their buildings and gathered at designated assembly areas. 

UPOU has been advocating for disaster resilience. A flagship program that has been implemented since 2016 is the Care UPOU which stands for Climate Adaptive and Resilient UPOU.

2nd Quarterly Earthquake Drill 2021 on 10 June 2021, 9AM

Sustainable Development Goals

Written by Anna Cañas-Llamas

Edited by  Joane V. Serrano

Graphics by Lovelyn P. Petrasanta


ATM: The UPOU Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (DRR-CCAM) Committee and UP Resilience Institute (UPRI) is currently conducting the 2nd day of the 2-day workshop on Crafting the UPOU Public Service Continuity Plan (PSCP). The event is being held at the Centennial Center for Digital Learning (CCDL) at UPOU Headquarters. This day’s workshop covers Incident Command System, Emergency Communication Plan, Activation and Deactivation Protocols, and Basic Disaster Preparedness.#UPOpenUniversity #DRRCCAM ... See MoreSee Less
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