UPOU-OVCAA holds its 2nd Research Conversations on Structural Equation Modelling Analysis

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) hosted the second episode of the Research Conversations series for 2024. The talk, titled “How to Analyze Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) by AMOS” featured Dr. Kunchon Jeotee, an Assistant Professor from the Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand, as the resource speaker.

Dr. Primo G. Garcia, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, delivered the welcome remarks. He emphasized that the research methods are the backbone of empirical research as they provide tools, design studies, analyze the data, and draw meaningful conclusions. Rigorous research methods allow researchers, students, and faculty members to contribute more effectively to their field of expertise.

Dr. Jeotee, the resource speaker, began with a discussion on some statistical concepts relevant to the understanding of SEM. He also delved into the steps in SEM namely: developing the measurement model, assessing measurement model validity, and specifying then examining the structural model validity. He actively demonstrated how to navigate the AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) software and run the program. He also discussed how to construct structural equation modeling using the AMOS and to interpret the results. He also mentioned some of its functionality which comprises path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), latent variable modeling, model comparison, and goodness-of-fit measures. He added that AMOS provides a graphical user interface where users can draw and create models, making it visually intuitive for creating and analyzing SEM models.

Dr. Myra D. Oruga, Assistant to the VCAA for Research and Publication, and Dr. Aurora V. Lacaste, Assistant to the VCAA for Instruction, awarded the token and certificate of appreciation to the speaker. Dr. Lacaste also served as the moderator of the event. UPOU Faculty members, REPS and Research Staff participated in the event which was held simultaneously at the Sandbox, CCDL Building, UPOU Headquarters, Los Baños. Laguna and via Zoom.

Written by Marian Tatlonghari ♦  Edited by Dr. Aurora Lacaste, Ms. Alvie Alip and Ms. Yasele Yambao ♦ Photos by Alexil Fajardo

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