The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) opens four massive open online courses (MOOCs) this September through its r online learning platform for MOOCs, the Massive Open Distance e-Learning (MODeL).

The courses, “Techniques with Spreadsheets and Workflow-based Tools“, “Supervised and Unsupervised Learning“, “Supervised Learning: Regression Methodologies“, and “Data Warehousing and Dimensional Modeling” has just been made available for enrollment in their website, and will run from 3 to 28 September 2018.

Techniques with Spreadsheets and Workflow-based Tools” is about the use of spreadsheets for Business Analytics. “Supervised and Unsupervised Learning” discusses predictive analytics, and basic concepts in and methods of data processing. Both are being handled by Dr. Eugene Rex Jalao. Meanwhile, the course, “Supervised Learning: Regression Methodologies” introduces Predictive Analytics to students, and its course coordinator is Asst. Prof. Ria Mae Borromeo. Lastly, “Data Warehousing and Dimensional Modeling” is being handled by Asst. Prof. Mari Anjeli Crisanto, and it focuses on data warehousing and dimensional modeling.

In the previous months, the Business Analytics program opened fundamentals and introduction courses which are prerequisite for these newly opened courses. In addition to these four new MOOCs, another three courses under the Open Distance e-Learning (ODeL) Teacher Accreditation Program are currently running and will end on 22 September 2018. These are Strategic Planning in ODeL, Learner Support in ODeL, and Content Development for ODeL.

For the next months, MODeL is expected to open more MOOCs. Details for all their programs and courses are available at MODeL website. Announcements can also be viewed in their Facebook page. (KGAMampusti)

LOOK: UPOU Faculty of Information and Communication Studies Dean Dr. Diego S. Maranan served as one of the lecturers in Quake Quest, a scientific research competition for senior high school students hosted by the UP Resilience Institute (UPRI) and the UP Intelligent Systems Center, completed its four-day Major Quest 0: Crash Course Series on Sept. 28 at the Computational Science and Research Center (CSRC), UP Diliman. ... See MoreSee Less
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