The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) hosted the Open University 5 (OU5) Virtual Forum held on 9 December 2020.
The OU5 Virtual Forum was held among the five open universities that collaborated for the primary objective of research. These universities are UP Open University, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Hanoi Open University , Open University Malaysia and Universitas Terbuka.
The forum was opened with the message of Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, UPOU Chancellor. Messages from the heads and representatives of the universities followed, namely by, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pranee Sungkatavat, Acting President, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Tuyet Minh, Deputy Head , Department for Scientific Research and External Relations, Hanoi Open University (HOU); Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mansor Fadzil, President and Vice Chancellor, Open University Malaysia (OUM); and Prof. Dr. Ojat Darojat, Rector, Universitas Terbuka (UT).

The keynote message was delivered by Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua Valenzuela, Director Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). Her message was about the unprecedented changes and emerging imperatives in the region that should be part of the considerations in the transition to a more nimble and flexible education paradigm, especially in light of the economic challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The forum featured the soft launch of the OU5 DE BOOK titled “Capitalizing Open Education: The State of Practice in ASEAN Region,” which is the result of a two-year collaborative study on ASEAN studies. It reviews current policies, standards, and guidelines of the region’s governments, ministries, and commissions in higher education. In particular, it presents a perception study of various open education sectors (students, teachers, and employers) as well as their insights in the role of open universities in human resource development, social and political acceptability, and the future direction of open education.
The launch of the Global Digital Literacy Project was also done by Dr. Valenzuela. The project will provide learners and educators free access to a two-month course on global digital literacy in a single platform. One module is dedicated to each of the nine elements of digital citizenship, which have been co-created by member universities with SEAMEO.
Each research group was then given the opportunity to present updates about their research studies. Dr. Jean A. Saludadez from UPOU presented the ASEAN Food “Culture an Interdisciplinary Approach– THAILAND, VIETNAM, PHILIPPINES, AND INDONESIA” and “Community Involvement in Cultural Heritage Management for Tourism in Four ASEAN Countries.” Prof. Dr. Sumalee Sungsri, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sarisak Soontornchai from STOU, presented “Continuing Education for Promotion of Lifelong Learning in the 4 Open Universities in the ASEAN Region.” Last but not least, Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Hong from HOU presented the “Distance Education for Human Resources Development in the Period of ASEAN Integration.”
Before the forum ended, Dr. Bandalaria presented the future endeavors of the OU5 Research Group. Dr. Melinda F. Lumanta, UPOU Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs officially closed the event with a short message.
Ms. Margaret Suarez, UPOU Program Development Associate for International Linkages, served as the master of ceremony.
Written by Anna Canas-Llamas and Patricia Calora