UPOU-FMDS Continuing Education Program Hosts a Writing Workshop Microcredential Proposal Development

The Continuing Education Program (CEP) of the University of the Philippines Open University’s (UPOU) Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) held a hybrid writing workshop titled “Continuing Education Program Proposal Development for the Institution of Microcredentials: A Writing Workshop” on 03 October 2024 at the Audio Visual Room, UPOU Headquarters. Guided by the Roadmap to UPOU Microcredentials, the writeshop aimed to develop a proposal for the institution of a micro-credential on the non-formal courses under the FMDS-CEP.

The writeshop started off with a warm welcome message from Mr. Larry N. Cruz, Program Development Associate of the Continuing Education Program of FMDS. He emphasized that as UPOU gears towards micro-credentialing given its strategic area on “Performing the major functions of a University” where the action point on “Micro-credentialing and stackable credits towards a degree” is included, the CEP of the FMDS intends to enhance its non-formal courses as micro-credentials to make them more relevant. This was followed by the presentation of the UPOU’s Microcredential Roadmap and the UP Proposed Microcredential Operational Guidelines by Prof. Primo G. Garcia, UPOU’s Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. His insights set the tone for the day’s activities, highlighting how microcredentials can support lifelong learning and empower professionals to stay relevant and competitive. Asst. Prof. Tricia C. Ascan then provided the participants with a comprehensive overview discussing each element of the Microcredential Proposal Template.

In-person attendees were Mr. Larry N. Cruz, CEP Program Development Associate, Ms. Mary Grace C. Perez, CEP Project Staff,  Ms. Sydney Rovin Macahiya, FMDS Microcredential Project Staff,  and CEP Course Coordinators & Assistant Course Coordinators namely:  Asst. Prof. Tricia C. Ascan, Mr. Ramon Manuel T. Nisperos, Dr. Jabez Joshua M. Flores, Ms. Faith R. Guerra and Ms. Era Winzelle D. Cruz. Dr. Marie Grace A. Gomez, Arch. Sandino M. Guinto and Dr. Ricardo T. Bagarinao joined online via Zoom. The hands-on writing session allowed them to draft MC proposals fostering collaborative discussions and peer feedback.

The afternoon session was focused on the review and refining of the MC course proposals aligning it to guidelines and other relevant information shared by Prof. Garcia and Asst. Prof. Ascan, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education. The day concluded with the presentation of the MC course proposals and the awarding of certificate and token of appreciation to all the resource persons.

Written by Mary Grace Perez ♦ Edited by Larry N. Cruz ♦ Crossposted from FMDS Website

Sustainable Development Goals


5 days left to apply!UPCAT 2026 admissions for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 will be open until 31 March 2025, Monday.Current Grade 11 students this SY 2024-2025 who will graduate from senior high school by SY 2025-2026, and current Grade 12 students or Senior High School graduates who have not taken the UPCAT in the previous cycles are eligible to apply.School officials must fill out the high school profile and confirm their students in the Form 2A portal by 04 April 2025, for applicants to receive their test permit in July 2025.UPCAT 2026 will be administered on 02 and 03 August 2025. Kindly ensure that you will be able to go to your chosen testing center on the exam dates.Do NOT withdraw if you have entered incorrect information in your application.Access the online application portal at upcat2026online.up.edu.ph/If you have questions, please visit the online helpdesk at bit.ly/upcat2026onlinehelpdesk#UPCAT2026 #UPCAT #upofficeofadmissions5 days left to apply!UPCAT 2026 admissions for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 will be open until 31 March 2025, Monday.Current Grade 11 students this SY 2024-2025 who will graduate from senior high school by SY 2025-2026, and current Grade 12 students or Senior High School graduates who have not taken the UPCAT in the previous cycles are eligible to apply.School officials must fill out the high school profile and confirm their students in the Form 2A portal by 04 April 2025, for applicants to receive their test permit in July 2025.UPCAT 2026 will be administered on 02 and 03 August 2025. Kindly ensure that you will be able to go to your chosen testing center on the exam dates.Do NOT withdraw if you have entered incorrect information in your application.Access the online application portal at upcat2026online.up.edu.ph/If you have questions, please visit the online helpdesk at bit.ly/upcat2026onlinehelpdesk#UPCAT2026 #UPCAT #UPOfficeofAdmissions ... See MoreSee Less
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