The Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (FICS), UP Open University (UPOU) welcomes its new students for 1st Semester/Trimester 2020-2021 through  a Student Orientation on 12 September 2020 (Saturday) at 2pm. The student orientation will be held online, live streamed through the FICS Facebook page.

The FICS Student Orientation aims to prepare new students  for their UPOU life for the upcoming semesters/trimesters. They will also be introduced to their program faculty members, lecturers, tutors, and support staff. A separate orientation will also be held for each program under FICS to answer any program-related concerns of the students. 

Due to a large number of students, the Master of Development Communication (MDC) program and the Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies (BAMS) will have its program orientation through Facebook Live, also streamed through the FICS Facebook page. Meanwhile, the Doctor of Communication (DComm), Master of Information Systems (MIS), and Diploma in Computer Science (DCS) programs will have separate orientations via zoom.

The schedule for the program orientations will be as follows:

FICS encourages its students to attend the orientation to help them start their semester off as smoothly as possible.

Written by Gian Rose Cerdena & Emely Amoloza

Edited by Joane V. Serrano


Ikot Unyon + Kaayohan 2025 at UPOUThe All UP Academic Employees Union (AUPAEU) - UP Open University (UPOU) Chapter, in partnership with the UP Office of the Faculty Regent (OFR), and AUPAEU National, held the Ikot Unyon + Kaayohan 2025 on 26 March 2025 at Oblation Hall, UPOU Headquarters, Los Baños, Laguna.Newly elected officers were introduced and formally took their oath. Newly elected President, Dr. Queenie Ridulme, expressed her gratitude and optimism for the future plans concerning the University's faculty members and Research, Extension, and Professional Staff (REPS). In Kaayohan, a dialogue was held to discuss faculty and REPS-related concerns between AUPAEU-UPOU with the OFR, and UPOU Chancellor Joane V. Serrano with Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Dr. Jean A. Saluadadez.#UPOpenUniversity #aupaue ... See MoreSee Less
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