The UP Open University (UPOU) and UP Resilience Institute (UPRI), through its Institution Building Division, met on 11 June 2024 to explore the possible establishment of a resiliency hub at UPOU. The proposed resiliency hub is expected to serve as a center for research, training, and community engagement for e-Resilience which provides solutions to fortify the defenses against digital threats and mitigate risks of data breach across UP System.

e-Resilience refers to resilience in the digital context. Reports indicate that leveraging data in response to both natural and technological disasters has saved lives and guided communities to build back better. When disaster strikes, it is crucial to have a well-informed and data-driven disaster recovery plan in place. Such plans save time and resources, reducing dependency on traditional data collection methods that usually render post-recovery strategies ineffective. By relying on real-time data and analytics, communities and educational institutions can implement more efficient disaster adaptation, mitigation, and recovery strategies.

UPOU is often dubbed as the cybercampus of UP System and the pioneering campus to offer Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL), Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), and Microcredentials in the country. Over the last decades, UPOU’s important role in promoting ODeL and innovation cannot be overstated as it has shown great commitment towards increasing access and inclusive quality education, especially in cybersecurity. Establishing a resiliency hub at UPOU offers not only advanced training and education programs with a focus on cybersecurity protocols but as well as data management and protection strategies to safeguard infrastructure and sensitive information of universities or insitutitions. UPOU’s current initiatives also focus on developing digital tools that enhance disaster preparedness and response. Individuals and communities are better equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to utilize digital technologies effectively during disasters. In order to make the proposed resiliency hub effective and responsive to the needs of stakeholders, UPOU and UPRI plan to work in collaboration with other UP constituent units and faculty members in the development, fruition, and expansion of this timely endeavor.

It came clear that critical issues surrounding disaster data, cybersecurity, and data protection can be addressed through establishing an e-Resilience hub, contributing significantly to several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 9: Industry, Infrastructure, Innovation, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals.

This initiative follows the successful co-offering of a MOOC on the Basics of Resilience by UPRI’s Education Division and UPOU’s Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS). This is also in relation to the ongoing curriculum development proposal of the Master in Climate and Disaster Resilience. Hence, it is poised to elevate the growing partnership between UPOU and UPRI in order to strengthen disaster and resilience initiatives, and contribute meaningfully into the larger initiative of the proposed resiliency hub—which is to provide support and access for those grappling with cyber threats and vulnerabilities, and empower them to effectively respond and recover efficiently amidst such threats.

The exploratory meeting was attended by Prof. Joane V. Serrano, Dean of UPOU FMDS and the Chair of UPOU Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (DRR-CCAM) Committee, together with Asst. Prof. Lianne Angelico C. Depante, Program Development Associate or PDA (with the UP Digital Transformation), and Ms. Janelle G. Ebron. Representatives from UPRI were Prof. Genaro A. Cuaresma, UPRI Director for Institution Building, Ms. Jerzyne Anne A. Corpuz, and Mr. Jonathan David M. Maligalig.

The proposed resiliency hub was initially planned and will be spreaded by FMDS and the DRR-CCAM Committee, together with the Information and Communication Technology Development Office (ICTDO) of UPOU, headed by Director Reinald Adrian DL. Pugoy.

Written by: Janelle Ebron • Edited by: Larry N. Cruz • Crossposted from FMDS Official Website

Sustainable Development Goals


Catch UPOU’s exhibit at SyenSaya 2025!INPHOTOS: The UP Open University (UPOU), as a member and Board of Trustees of the Los Baños Science Community Foundation, Inc., (LBSCFI), joins the 16th SyenSaya at the Charles Fuller Baker Memorial Hall, UP Los Baños. Visit UPOU’s exhibit to explore the program offerings, experience Virtual Reality, and learn about the BioSignals from 9-11 March 2025! #UPOpenUniversity #UPOU #SyenSaya2025 ... See MoreSee Less
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