Dr. Melinda dela Pena. Bandalaria, Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), and Dr. Shyue-Ling Wang, President the National University of Kaoshiung (NUK) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 18 May 2017 in NUK Campus, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
The partnership between the two universities shall include collaborative programs on faculty exchange, degree or course development for overseas Filipino workers (OFW), NUK as UPOU testing/learning center in Taiwan, development and offering of massive open online courses (MOOCs), resource persons/training program on business analytics, among others.

Officials from UPOU and NUK present during the agreement signing were Dr. Jean A. Saludadez, UPOU Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration; Dr. Grace J. Alfonso, UP Professor Emeritus; Dr. Hsing-Lung Lien, NUK Vice President; Dr. I-Hsien Ting, Dean of NUK Division of International Affairs; and Ms. Tiffany Huan, Coordinator of Academic Exchanges. Also present was Dr. Tim Wu, Shu-Te Chair Professor. (Luisa A. Gelisan, Multimedia Center)

LOOK: UPOU Faculty of Information and Communication Studies Dean Dr. Diego S. Maranan served as one of the lecturers in Quake Quest, a scientific research competition for senior high school students hosted by the UP Resilience Institute (UPRI) and the UP Intelligent Systems Center, completed its four-day Major Quest 0: Crash Course Series on Sept. 28 at the Computational Science and Research Center (CSRC), UP Diliman. ... See MoreSee Less
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