Dr. Hernando D. Robles, President of the Cavite State University (CvSU), and Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and President of the Consortium of Open and Distance Education Providers in the Philippines (CODEPP) pose with the signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between CODEPP Founding Members.
In celebration of its 117th Founding Anniversary, Cavite State University (CvSU) recognized the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and the Consortium of Open and Distance Education Providers in the Philippines (CODEPP) for their outstanding support as partner organizations.
Among the notable programs conducted by UPOU for CvSU’s faculty members and staff through the years are the “Cascading Best Practices Program,” “Training on Course Development for Online and Blended Learning,” and the “Sustainable Institution Building for Open Learning (SIBOL) Program.” Currently, the UP System’s EIDR Program titled “Development of a Filipinized Learning Management System” is being implemented in CvSU. This project aims to help nursing students and faculty have an accessible online learning environment despite the slow internet connection in the country.
Coinciding with the event is the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Signing held between CvSU President, Dr. Hernando D. Robles, and UPOU Chancellor and CODEPP President, Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria. The MOA aims to forge commitments on the continuous efforts to push forward distance education in the Philippines through CODEPP.
Synergized by the MOA, CODEPP is a consortium of eight Distance Education (DE) Providers that work towards more exchanges of ideas and expertise to develop the quality of distance education in the Philippines. Joining forces with UPOU and CvSU, the other Founding Members of CODEPP are the Benguet State University (BSU), Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU), Ifugao State University (IFSU), Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU), and John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University – Arevalo, Inc (JBLFMU-Arevalo, Inc.).

Dr. Hernando D. Robles, President of the Cavite State University (CvSU) signing the MOA assisted by Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) and President of the Consortium of Open and Distance Education Providers in the Philippines (CODEPP).
![[From left to right] Dr. Rezin Bahia, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, CvSU; Ms. Shaira Tanay, Research Assistant of the Office of the Chancellor, UPOU; Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Chancellor of UPOU and President of CODEPP; and Dr. Ma. Cynthia Dela Cruz, Dean of the Graduate School and Open Learning College, CvSU.](https://www.upou.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/03-800x533.jpg)
[From left to right] Dr. Rezin Bahia, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, CvSU; Ms. Shaira Tanay, Research Assistant of the Office of the Chancellor, UPOU; Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Chancellor of UPOU and President of CODEPP; and Dr. Ma. Cynthia Dela Cruz, Dean of the Graduate School and Open Learning College, CvSU.

Awarding of the Certificate of Recognition to the Consortium of Open and Distance Education Providers in the Philippines (CODEPP) for the outstanding support as a partner organization of CvSU given during the Partners’ Night held on 22 March 2023.

Awarding of the Certificate of Recognition to the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) for the outstanding support as a partner organization of CvSU given during the Partners’ Night held on 22 March 2023.
Written by Shaira Tanay
Edited by Myra C. Almodiel and Anna Cañas-Llamas