UPOU Advisory-2 for the Community on COVID-19

To our Community,
- In the spirit of openness and flexibility, the 2nd Trimester AY 2019-2020 and 2nd Semester AY 2019-2020 have been extended to 25 April 2020 and 9 May 2020, respectively. This will allow our students to complete their studies and course requirements in a more flexible manner given the current circumstances that everyone is in.
- Everyone in the UPOU Community is advised not to go out of their homes, and to wait for the Enhanced Community Quarantine to end. Going to the UPOU Building and Offices is strictly prohibited unless authorized (refer to UPOU CMDPB 2020-005).
- Physical reporting for work in the UPOU Headquarters, UPOU Offices in Diliman, and Mega Learning Hubs are still suspended, but faculty and staff members are working from home.
- Only authorized UPOU, UPLB, and IRRI personnel will be allowed to enter and exit through the UPOU gate starting 18 March 2020. These guidelines will remain in effect until further notice.
- Please strictly follow health advisories issued by authorities and get your information from valid sources.
The Community’s safety is UPOU’s first and foremost priority.
UPOU Information Team on COVID-19