UP breaks into world’s top 100 universities for the performing arts, development studies

Jo. Lontoc, UP Media and Public Relations Office (UP MPRO)
UP breaks into world’s top 100 universities for the performing arts, development studies

When it comes to the subjects of Performing Arts and Development Studies, the University of the Philippines ranks among the world’s top 100 universities, according to the rankings by subject released on March 4, 2020 by the British company, Quacquarelli Symmonds (QS).

This is the first time the national university has been ranked for Performing Arts; and the second time in two consecutive years for Development Studies, in both years placing at the top 100. Last year, the Juilliard School was number one for Performing Arts; and, the University of Sussex, for Development Studies.

The 2020 QS World University Rankings by Subject ranked 1,368 institutions in 48 subjects grouped into five broad subject areas.

Source: The 2020 QS World University Rankings By Subject University of the Philippines Fact File

The 51-100 ranking in Performing Arts was buoyed by high scores in the criteria of academic reputation and employer reputation. The reputations are based on a survey of 94,000 academics and “44,000 global employer votes.”

The ranking of UP in Development Studies, also 51-100, was arrived at using two more criteria based on citations of published papers, aside from academic and employer reputations.

The 2020 ranking by subject is also marked by the University getting high enough scores in the four criteria to be included in the ranking for four more subjects than in the previous year. On top of the breakthrough ranking in Performing Arts, UP also obtained debut ranking in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and Biological Sciences, and regained a ranking in Linguistics.

Thus, from last year’s ranking in only 14 out of 48 subjects, UP now ranks in 18. In the Philippines, UP ranks number one in 16 of the 18 subjects, ranking number two only in Linguistics, and Business and Management Studies.

In the world, UP is in: the top 101-150 in Politics and International Studies; top 151-200 in Archaeology, English Language and Literature, Agriculture and Forestry, and Geography; top 201-250 in Linguistics, and Sociology; top 251-300 in Modern Languages, Environmental Sciences, and Law; top 301-350 in Medicine; top 351-400 in Business and Management Studies, and Economics and Econometrics; top 451-500 in Electrical and Electronics Engineering; top 501-550 in Biological Sciences; and, top 551-600 in Computer Science and Information Systems.

Source: The 2020 QS World University Rankings By Subject University of the Philippines Fact File

The University obtained ranking in three of the five broad subject areas. These are in Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences and Medicine, and Social Sciences and Management. In the last subject area, UP improved its ranking from 280 to 258; but in Arts and Humanities, it fell from 283 to 304 and, in Life Sciences and Medicine, from 401-450 to 451-500. UP lost its ranking in Engineering and Technology, where it was in the 451-500 bracket, and remains unranked in Natural Sciences.

Despite these, UP improved its ranking in the 2020 QS World University Rankings, placing 356th—up by 28 notches from the previous year—and making it to the top third of ranked institutions.

The other Philippine institutions figuring in the 2020 QS World University Rankings are the Ateneo de Manila University, at the top 601-650; and De La Salle University and University of Santo Tomas, both at the top 801-1,000.

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ICYMI: The two nominees for the next Dean of the UPOU Faculty of Management Development Studies presented their plans and visions last 27 January. The forum was held at the UPOU Audiovisual Room and live via Zoom and the UPOU Facebook Page. Dr. Consuelo Dl. Habito, Professor 5 at UPOU FMDS and Dr. Finaflor F. Taylan, Associate Professor 3 and Director of the UPOU Office of Gender Concerns, have been nominated as the next Dean of FMDS. Faculty members, REPS and Admin staff, students and alumni participated in this hybrid event. #UPOpenUniversity #nextfmdsdean ... See MoreSee Less
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