The Alumni Email Registration (AER) & Alumni Services are now online

The UP System – Office of Alumni Relations (UPS-OAR) in partnership with the UP Information Technology Development Center (UP ITDC) has launched the Alumni Email Registration (AER) and Alumni Services to improve the quality of assistance it provides especially with the UP alumni. Both services can be found on UP Alumni website:

AER was launched in July 2021. Through AER, the UP alumni can now request for an alumni email account ( online. Just visit the Alumni Website and click “Alumni Email Account” to register. Accomplish the form with your information and follow all the instructions afterwards to successfully complete your application.

The UP Alumni Email is a service created only for bonafide UP Alumnias verified by the UPS-OAR. It may not be issued to anyone other than the alumnus/alumna requesting the service. Only one email account per alumnus/alumna is allowed. The OAR will request periodic status updates from UP Alumni in order to confirm their continued relationship with the University.

For the Alumni Services, you can now easily request for your Diploma, Transcript of Records (ToR), True Copy of Grades (TCG), Certifications, and other concerns among the eight UP campuses. Just go to the Alumni website and click “Alumni Online Services”. Choose the request that you need and the UP campus where you graduated. Accomplish all the information needed afterwards. Please take time to read the reminders before proceeding to avoid missteps on your requests.


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