On 17 March 2021, the UP Open University (UPOU) held the second episode of OPEN Talk from 6:00 to 7:00 PM, entitled “Open Education Practices.”
The resource persons for this episode were Dr. Patricia B. Arinto, Dean, University of the Philippines Visayas-Tacloban College and Professor of UPOU’s Faculty of Education (FEd), and Dr. Sheila R. Bonito, Dean, UP Manila College of Nursing and Professor of UPOU’s Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS). The discussion for the second Open Talk focused on what open education practice means, how it can be done properly, and the challenges and best practices that are currently being done. Dr. Primo Garcia, Dean of FMDS, served as the moderator of the Open Talk and Ms. Margaret Jarmin-Suarez, University Researcher, served as the program’s host.
One of the many clarifications that was brought up was the relationship of Open Education Practices (OEP) and Open Educational Resources (OER). This is because the first phase of the OER and OEP falls under the continuum; where OER is the first phase and the OEP is the phase two. This is important to discuss because OEP is the foundation of OER.
Dr. Arinto clarified that “OER, Open Education Resources, are teaching and learning materials that are designed to be shared freely with certain rights in particular, the right not just to reuse but also to repurpose, revise, and remix.” It was an important question to tackle considering that most of the online viewers are part of the educational sector. The transition to the use of online platforms and flexible modes of teaching have been integral in the past year due to the pandemic situation.
Dr. Sheila R. Bonito also shared her thoughts on what makes a good OER. She mentioned that good quality is the main issue that has to always be addressed by teachers and students alike. She briefly mentioned a study that her team conducted in 2017, where it showed that the main criteria on how to select resources should not only be open but are of good quality.
Questions from the audience were addressed and a lively discussion followed after the speaker’s presentations.
OpenTalk is UPOU’s new magazine program launched in March 2021 that targets the general public and aims to create clarifications on the featured topics, change the attitude of the target audience towards the topics, and inspire the audience to improve their practices towards or against the topics featured. If you missed watching the episode, you can watch the replay through these platforms:
UPOU Networks https://networks.upou.edu.ph/32174/open-talk-episode-2-open-education-practice/?highlight=opentalk&cn-reloaded=1
UPOU YouTube https://youtu.be/X9zcSRRvBWA
UPOU Networks – Multimedia Center Facebook Page https://fb.watch/4xcly3ycLt/