Positive Discourse: USC, UPOU Administration Discuss Key Student Concerns

On 21 February 2023, Dr. Primo Garcia, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo, Director of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), held a dialogue with the University Student Council (USC). There was a thorough discussion of USC Memorandum #003, #004, and #005, which addressed issues with the Civil Service Commission’s (CSC) recognition, the recognition of student organizations, and the late submission of grades.

During the dialogue, the USC voiced its full support for the present Committee for Accrediting Student Organization (CASO) Guidelines and requested the UPOU Chancellor’s Advisory Council (CAC) to approve them as soon as possible. The administration plans to hire more tutors and gave new staff training as a constructive response to worries about late-grade submissions.

Finally, USC discussed the potential for honorific university and faculty scholarships. The administration plans to discuss it with the CAC. The administration clarified that they had a positive outlook on the CSC Grant of Honor Eligibility issue, and their legal department promised to follow up. 

Ultimately, the USC and administration had a positive discourse, with both parties working towards improving the university experience for everyone.

Written by  Betina Paula Cardenas

Edited by Myra Almodiel, Ria Borromeo and Anna Cañas-Llamas

Photo courtesy: UPOU University Student Council Facebook Page

Contributed by the Office of Student Affairs


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