UPOU Faculty Members Participate in UP System Workshop on Data Analytics for Decision Support
Seven University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) faculty members participated in the Workshop on Data Analytics for Decision Support, organized by the UP Digital Transformation under the [...]
AAOU Launches Pilot Accreditation System at Open University Malaysia, Steered by UPOU Chancellor Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria
The Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) officially launched its QA-based Accreditation System pilot run for Technology-Enhanced and Technology-Mediated Higher Education in the Age of Technological Disruptions at [...]
UPOU FMDS Engages in NURTURE-SEA Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Urban Environments in Kuala Lumpur
The University of the Philippines Open University’s (UPOU) Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) recently participated in the Multi-stakeholder Forum on ‘Healthier, Equitable, Sustainable, and Resilient Urban [...]
Creative Thinking for Sustainability: Professor Emeritus Dr. Grace Javier Alfonso Inspires Cultural and Sustainable Product and Packaging Solutions at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
"Creative thinking involves divergent thinking, exploring multiple perspectives through different lenses, and questioning and expanding conventional thought to push its boundaries while maintaining its original spirit and identity," [...]
UPOU’s Second RTD on AI Focus on Use of AI in Transforming Teaching, Learning, and Administration
The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) held the second installment of its Roundtable Discussion (RTD) on Artificial Intelligence (AI) spearheaded by the Information and Communication Technology [...]
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