The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, through its Academic Program Improvement (API) 2019 Project entitled “Towards Developing a System for Sustained Academic Excellence,” organized two workshops to review and harmonize the Academic Policies and Procedures (APP) implemented in UPOU. The APP workshops were conducted in coordination with the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) on 10-11 April and 8-9 May 2019, in Los Banos, Laguna.

Dr. Melinda F. Lumanta, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, emphasized the importance of the output of the workshops in line with the quality assurance (QA) thrust of the University. She highlighted that codifying the academic guidelines, policies, and procedures is the priority of QA through the API.

The faculty secretaries and staff members from the Faculty Offices and OUR discussed and revised the academic policies and procedures vis-a-vis the UP Code, the UP System’s Harmonization Workshop on the Student Academic Processes and University Academic Calendar, the principles of Open and Distance e-Learning (ODeL), and UP Open University’s philosophy of openness, lifelong learning, and equity. Keeping in mind academic quality, the participants examined the policies and procedures concerning admission, registration, course requirements, grading system, program completion, student records, student’s financial assistance, and other academic information.

Asst. Prof. Aurora V. Lacaste, University Registrar, facilitated the workshops. The output of the workshops will be consolidated to form the revised UPOU academic catalogue. (IRGOrtiguero)

Sustainable Development Goals


ICYMI: The two nominees for the next Dean of the UPOU Faculty of Management Development Studies presented their plans and visions last 27 January. The forum was held at the UPOU Audiovisual Room and live via Zoom and the UPOU Facebook Page. Dr. Consuelo Dl. Habito, Professor 5 at UPOU FMDS and Dr. Finaflor F. Taylan, Associate Professor 3 and Director of the UPOU Office of Gender Concerns, have been nominated as the next Dean of FMDS. Faculty members, REPS and Admin staff, students and alumni participated in this hybrid event. #UPOpenUniversity #nextfmdsdean ... See MoreSee Less
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