Nominees for the Next FMDS Dean Present Plans and Visions

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) held a public forum for the presentation of the visions and plans of the nominees for the next Dean of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS).  This was held hybrid at the UPOU Audiovisual Room on 27 January 2025 and online via Zoom, the UPOU Facebook Page, and the UPOU Networks.

Dr. Aurora Lacaste opened the event and introduced the first nominee, Dr. Consuelo Dl. Habito, Professor 5 at UPOU FMDS. Reflecting on her 30-year journey with UPOU since transitioning from the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), Dr. Habito would like to take the opportunity to serve as Dean to “pay forward” as she nears retirement. In her presentation, she emphasized the importance of collective partnership, cohesion, and synergy in advancing FMDS. She aligned her vision with the flagship programs of UP President Angelo Jimenez, centering on three key strategies: Academic Excellence, Research and Innovation, and Public Service. To realize this vision, she presented the three pillars: People, Programs, and Processes. She also shared her guiding principle in decision-making: “Is this important, or is it just nice to have?”

Dr. Finaflor Taylan, Director of the Office of Gender Concerns and Program Development Associate for NSTP, also took the stage. Actively engaged in national and international technical working groups, she underscored the importance of responding to the call for service. Her vision, titled “Propelling GROWTH in FMDS,” is anchored on principles such as creativity and innovation, interdisciplinarity, professionalism and integrity, participation and collaboration, excellence and sustainability, and Open and Distance e-Learning (ODeL).

Dr. Taylan also outlined four aspirations for her strategic plan for FMDS, detailing the corresponding strategies and indicators. She reaffirmed FMDS’s commitment to contributing to UP’s flagship programs, Republic Act 10650 on open distance learning, and national and international development goals.

The forum concluded with a question and answer session with the two nominees. Some of the questions that were raised were about maintaining existing programs and initiatives, introducing new programs, leveraging faculty skill sets, and promoting overall well-being, among others. 

Dr. Lacaste ended the forum by announcing that the multi-sectoral consultation for the search for the next Dean of FMDS will be held on 28 January 2025 at the Conference Room of the UPOU Office of the Chancellor.  

Written by Anna Cañas-Llamas ♦ Edited by Zyrene Villanueva ♦ Photos by Anna Mhari Duria

Sustainable Development Goals


On March 18, 2025, the ICU-UPOU Knowledge Exchange project delegates visited the UP Open University office at the DICT Building in UP Diliman, where Dr. Roberto Figueroa provided an overview of UPOU’s initiatives and the Immersive Open Pedagogies (IOP) program. A workshop on Metaverse creation using FrameVR was also held for the ICU and UPOU fellows. The delegation toured TVUP at the Student Union Building and explored key areas of the UP Diliman campus.Read more about the ICU-UPOU Knowledge Exchange project here: #upoufics #SDG17partnershipforthegoals #SDG4QualityEducation ... See MoreSee Less
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