To provide opportunities for students and graduates to present their research studies, build connections and networks with other participants, and receive feedback and suggestions from invited panelists in the field of open and distance e-learning, the National Conference in Open and Distance e-Learning (NCODeL 2022) organized its very first student colloquium via a special session on 24 November 2022. 

The student colloquium was moderated by Dr. Myra C. Almodiel, Director of the Office of Public Affairs (OPA) of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU). Serving as panelists during the session were Dr. Jean C. Saludadez, Vice-Chancellor for Finance and Administration (VCFA) of UPOU, Dr. Primo Garcia, Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA) of UPOU, and Dr. Diego Maranan, Dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (FICS) of UPOU. Sixty (60) participants attended the special session. 

Eight (8) research studies were presented during the colloquium. The special session took off with a presentation from Mr. Mark Nickhole Bernardino, UPOU Master of Distance Education (MDE) student, with his research proposal titled Managing Quality, Accessibility, and Cost-Effectiveness: A Case Analysis of an Educational Institution Transitioning to Flexible Learning. As feedback to his presentation, Dr. Saludadez cited the importance of formulating the research questions and the alignment of the research methods to these questions.

Mr. Nickhole Bernardino (top) receives comments and suggestions from Dr. Jean Saludadez (below) for his research proposal.

Mr. Nickhole Bernardino (top) receives comments and suggestions from Dr. Jean Saludadez (below) for his research proposal.

For the second presentation, Mr. Lucky Angelo Vengua, UPOU Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies (BAMS) student, presented his study titled Wearable Futures Hackathon – A Hybrid, Interdisciplinary Learning Experience. As part of his recommendations, Dr. Garcia advised the student to further look into the literature on collaborative work arrangements, areas of collaborative learning, technology-mediated communication vis a vis face-to-face communication, and systems of power.

Mr. Vengua discusses the concept of co-creation in relation to his research study.

Mr. Vengua discusses the concept of co-creation in relation to his research study.

Mr. Jim Paul Belgado, a student of Master of Arts in Education Major in Teaching English at the Holy Trinity University, discussed his study titled Development of an E-Learning Module in Reading and Writing. Dr. Maranan and Dr. Saludadez gave comments and suggestions focused on improving his research study.

Mr. Belgado presents the research questions of his study.

Mr. Belgado presents the research questions of his study.

For the fourth presentation, Ms. Debora Sampaga, Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management at Aldersgate College, presented her study titled Cyber Safety Among Online Learners. Dr. Maranan noted that the research problem should be clear, while Dr. Saludadez emphasized the relevance of theoretical scaffolding.

Dr. Maranan (right) provides suggestions to the study of Ms. Sampaga (left) on cyber safety.

Dr. Maranan (right) provides suggestions to the study of Ms. Sampaga (left) on cyber safety.

Unique from the previous presentations was the 5th study presentation of Mr. Roshan Uttamchandani, Ph.D. in Philosophy student at De La Salle University. His study focused on nation-building in the Philippines and introduced a hybrid modified perennialist-progressivist philosophy of education.

Mr. Uttamchandani tackles the hybrid framework of perennialism and progressivism.

Mr. Uttamchandani tackles the hybrid framework of perennialism and progressivism.

Mr. Eliezer Toledo, Graduate Certificate in Distance Education (GCDE) student at UPOU, served as the sixth presenter of the session. He discussed his study titled Study Guide and Metacognitive Mediation: Enhancing Students’ Learning in Modular Distance Learning

Dr. Garcia (below) and Dr. Saludadez (above right) give their feedback to the research study of Mr. Toledo.

Dr. Garcia (below) and Dr. Saludadez (above right) give their feedback to the research study of Mr. Toledo.

In his study titled Utilization of Learning Management System in the Delivery of Physical Education Courses, seventh presenter, Mr. Raven Mendoza, a student of the Masters in Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Batangas, highlighted the role of online learning in the field of Physical Education.

Mr. Mendoza presents the research paradigm utilized in his study.

Mr. Mendoza presents the research paradigm utilized in his study.

Assistant Professor Aphrodite Macale, a Doctor of Philosophy in Education Major in Chemistry student at UPOU, capped off the student presentations with her study titled Classroom Environment in a Flipped Classroom.

Asst. Prof. Macale presents the comparison table of the average class scores on peer and flipped classroom.

Asst. Prof. Macale presents the comparison table of the average class scores on peer and flipped classroom.

In each presentation, the panelists provided comments and suggestions to help the researchers in developing and improving their research studies. Dr. Garcia, Dr. Maranan, and Dr. Saludadez noted the basics of formulating research questions and alignment of the research methods. They also highlighted the relevance of a comprehensive review of related literature and theoretical scaffolding.


Catch UPOU’s exhibit at SyenSaya 2025!INPHOTOS: The UP Open University (UPOU), as a member and Board of Trustees of the Los Baños Science Community Foundation, Inc., (LBSCFI), joins the 16th SyenSaya at the Charles Fuller Baker Memorial Hall, UP Los Baños. Visit UPOU’s exhibit to explore the program offerings, experience Virtual Reality, and learn about the BioSignals from 11-13 March 2025! #UPOpenUniversity #UPOU #SyenSaya2025 ... See MoreSee Less
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