ISAS 2025 Successfully Concludes as Part of the UP Open University Tri-Conference and Anniversary

The International Symposium on ASEAN Studies (ISAS) concluded last 25 February 2025 as part of the UP Open University Tri-Conference and Anniversary. With the theme “Fostering Collaboration and Embracing Innovation for a Sustainable Future,” ISAS 2025 aimed to explore and interrogate various possibilities and strategies that can advance ASEAN Studies and contribute to the broader goal of realizing the vision of the ASEAN Community evident in the successful conduct of its three plenary sessions, two panel sessions, and 15 parallel sessions.

Plenary Sessions

ISAS Plenary Sessions

The first plenary session tackled Social Innovation in the ASEAN for Sustainability delivered by Director for Human Development Rodora Turalde-Babaran of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community of the Department of ASEAN Secretariat. This was followed by the Center Director of SEAMEO SEARCA, Dr. Glenn Gregorio’s plenary session on Social Transformation in ASEAN through Agricultural Innovation, both sessions moderated by Asst. Prof. Lorena Jean Saludadez.

The last plenary session commenced in the afternoon with Exploring Health Tourism in ASEAN by Dr. Ranee Esichaikul, Lecturer at the School of Management Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU).

Panel Sessions

ISAS Panel Sessions

Two panel sessions happened during the conference simultaneously held in two different venues, the International Convention Center and the World Class Multimedia Production Building.

Panel Session 1, moderated by Prof. Consuelo Habito, PhD, highlighted the discussion on “Indigenous Cultures and its Influences on Wood Carving in Contemporary Philippines” with presenters sharing their researches on wood carving culture and influences from Ifugao (Ms. Regina Guimpatan-Gano), Palawan (Dr. Consuelo Habito) & Mindanao (Ms. Noaisa Abdulazes).

Panel Session 2, moderated by Assoc. Prof. Finaflor F. Taylan, DProfSt., focused on “Gender and Inclusivity within Sustainability Discourse in ASEAN” where two panelists shared during the session: Dr. Carolyn Sobritchea with “ASEAN Agreements to Promote Gender Equality and Advance Women’s Human Rights” and Prof. N. Manimekalai with “Gender Justice in Environmental Justice Initiatives – Evidences from South India.”

Two panel sessions happened during the conference simultaneously held in two different venues, the International Convention Center and the World Class Multimedia Production Building.

Panel Session 1, moderated by Prof. Consuelo Habito, PhD, highlighted the discussion on “Indigenous Cultures and its Influences on Wood Carving in Contemporary Philippines” with presenters sharing their researches on wood carving culture and influences from Ifugao (Ms. Regina Guimpatan-Gano), Palawan (Dr. Consuelo Habito) & Mindanao (Ms. Noaisa Abdulazes).

Panel Session 2, moderated by Assoc. Prof. Finaflor F. Taylan, DProfSt., focused on “Gender and Inclusivity within Sustainability Discourse in ASEAN” where two panelists shared during the session: Dr. Carolyn Sobritchea with “ASEAN Agreements to Promote Gender Equality and Advance Women’s Human Rights” and Prof. N. Manimekalai with “Gender Justice in Environmental Justice Initiatives – Evidences from South India.”

ISAS Parallel Sessions

A total of 15 parallel sessions also happened during the conference, paving the way for more discourses about various topics related to and about ASEAN.

Attended by 179 onsite and online attendees, ISAS would not be possible without the help and support of our partners: UPOU Foundation, Inc., UP Office of the International Linkages, Philippine Society for Distance Learning, Inc., and sponsors: SEARCA, Asia United Bank, the Philippine Coffee Board, Inc. and our donor Center for Agriculture and Rural Development Mutually Reinforcing Institutions or CARD MRI.

As part of the conference, the ASEAN Community Fair was also held from 24-28 February 2025 joined by 24 exhibitors from various institutions all over Laguna.

Written by Noreen Dianne Alazada ♦ Edited by Larry Cruz ♦ Cross-posted from FMDS Website

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5 days left to apply!UPCAT 2026 admissions for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 will be open until 31 March 2025, Monday.Current Grade 11 students this SY 2024-2025 who will graduate from senior high school by SY 2025-2026, and current Grade 12 students or Senior High School graduates who have not taken the UPCAT in the previous cycles are eligible to apply.School officials must fill out the high school profile and confirm their students in the Form 2A portal by 04 April 2025, for applicants to receive their test permit in July 2025.UPCAT 2026 will be administered on 02 and 03 August 2025. Kindly ensure that you will be able to go to your chosen testing center on the exam dates.Do NOT withdraw if you have entered incorrect information in your application.Access the online application portal at you have questions, please visit the online helpdesk at #UPCAT #upofficeofadmissions5 days left to apply!UPCAT 2026 admissions for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 will be open until 31 March 2025, Monday.Current Grade 11 students this SY 2024-2025 who will graduate from senior high school by SY 2025-2026, and current Grade 12 students or Senior High School graduates who have not taken the UPCAT in the previous cycles are eligible to apply.School officials must fill out the high school profile and confirm their students in the Form 2A portal by 04 April 2025, for applicants to receive their test permit in July 2025.UPCAT 2026 will be administered on 02 and 03 August 2025. Kindly ensure that you will be able to go to your chosen testing center on the exam dates.Do NOT withdraw if you have entered incorrect information in your application.Access the online application portal at you have questions, please visit the online helpdesk at #UPCAT #UPOfficeofAdmissions ... See MoreSee Less
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