Free Online Course on Inter-local Cooperation for all Regional, Provincial and Local Government Officials offered by UPOU

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Master of Public Management (MPM) program developed a free online course specifically for  public servants to hone skills and improve knowledge on how LGUs can work together in achieving common goals. This is the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Interlocal Cooperation (ILC). 

The MOOC on ILC has four modules that will last for three weeks each.

  • Module 1: General Course on Inter-Local Cooperation (18 May-05 June 2020)
  • Module 2: Legal Ingredients (08-26 June 2020)
  • Module 3: Institutional Ingredients (29 June-17 July 2020)
  • Module 4: Financial Ingredients (20 July-07 August 2020)

Registration for Module 1 is ongoing since 13 April 2020. Announcements will be released regarding the opening of registration for succeeding modules. 

The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) endorsed this free course and released a memorandum encouraging local government executives and authorized LGU personnel to avail of the free courses. Likewise, all DILG Regional Directors and Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) Minister for Local Government are directed to cause the widest dissemination of the memo. 

To register for the MOOC on ILC, visit [email protected]h. For more information about the MOOC on ILC, email [email protected] or visit the UPOU MODeL Page,

Sustainable Development Goals

Written by Anna Canas-Llamas

Edited by Joane V. Serrano


How to succeed as a teacher-researcher in more ways than one under the Diploma and MA Social Studies Education program. 💡📃🤔📣📣Students from the Social Studies Education Program (SSE) are invited to join Study Tips and Tricks with Doc J on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 8:00 PM via Zoom.Don't forget to complete the registration form that we sent via email on or before February 4, 2025.🎯#SDG4 #SDG4QualityEducation #UPOpenUniversity #elearning #upoufed ... See MoreSee Less
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