The Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) invites you to the 41st Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar titled, “Permaculture and Transition Towns” on 08  May 2024, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, at the UPOU Audio-Visual Room (AVR) and live via Zoom.

The 41st Sustainable Shared Growth Seminar or KKK41 (KKK stands for Kahusayan (Efficiency), Katarungan (Equity), and Kalikasan (Environment), which represent the socio-economic goals of sustainable shared growth) is aligned with the transition to sustainability thrust of UPOU, through SiALLC (Sustainability in Action – A Living Laboratory Campus), as well as the overarching theme of sustainable shared growth.

Experts from Japan and the Philippines will give talks on transition towns that signify a movement for relocalization and resilience. This seminar also gives way in discussing the connection of permaculture (permanent agriculture) as an integral part of this movement since its inception and throughout its implementation. Here’s a rundown of the speakers and their talks on May 8:

  • Mr. Kiyokazu Shidara (Japanese Permaculture Association), “The Case of Fujino, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan”
  • Dr. Jabez Joshua Flores  (FMDS,UPOU), “The Case of Maahas, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines”

The webinar will also feature discussions by FMDS Dean Joane V. Serrano and Dr. Ferdinand C. Maquito (CPAf, UPLB).

The webinar is jointly organized by the Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA), Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation (AISF) and the College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAf), UP Los Banos (UPLB) in an effort to promote the sharing of sustainable development experiences and approaches, which can be useful resources for multidisciplinary collaboration among faculty, staff, and students.

Interested participants may register for free through Limited slots are available.

Written by Noreen Dianne Alazada • Edited by Larry N. Cruz ♦ Cross-posted from the UPOU FMDS Website

Sustainable Development Goals


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