As part of the UP Open University’s (UPOU) initiative on continuous and inclusive learning, the UPOU Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (FICS) held its MeetUps on 7 July 2020 through a Zoom online session.
The resource speaker, Ms. Joshze Rica Esguerra, tackled the topic Internet Safety which is relevant to the current situation facing our country. With the current situation, it is expected that people will adapt to the changes and adjustments brought about by the current crisis. Paying bills, purchasing products and other transactions will now be done online. With these changes, Ms. Esguerra emphasized the importance of taking the time in checking our security settings in all of our online accounts and making sure that all of our personal information uploaded on the web is safe. She also shared useful tips on how to lessen our risk of getting hacked such as creating different email accounts for personal and work; saving passwords in password manager applications; ensuring that we do not use the same passwords for all accounts; checking browser activities; using two-factor authentication; and using a reliable Virtual Private Network (VPN).
This knowledge sharing activity was useful to all the FICS staff especially those who do not have enough experience in ensuring safety while browsing and using the Web. It has given the participants an idea on how to be digitally safe, avoiding phishing, hacking, and all other cybercrimes.
The FICS MeetUPs is a regular activity which encourages the sharing of knowledge and skills. Facilitated by the FICS University Extension Associate and attended by FICS research and administrative staff, this activity also aims to evaluate, share valuable experiences and best practices applied in the events conducted. It also serves as a venue for planning the forthcoming activities of the unit.