The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Education (FEd) welcomed students of its trimestral programs during the 2023 Student Orientation: Faculty and Program Orientation conducted last 30 September 2023 via Zoom. One hundred sixty-five (165) participants, including FEd faculty, staff, and students, joined the event.

The student orientation was opened by FEd Dean, Asst. Prof. Charisse T. Reyes followed by a short video introducing the FEd faculty and staff, including the Faculties-in-Charge (FICs) per program. Subsequently, Mr. Voltaire T. Abiog, currently a student of the Bachelor of Education Studies (BES) program and the undergraduate representative of the UPOU University Student Council (USC), gave a message citing various activities implemented by constituents within the USC. Afterwards, the FEd Faculty Secretary’s Office, led by Asst. Prof. Rita C. Ramos, discussed several academic processes and facilitated the question and answer portion. The orientation proceeded with students moving to breakout rooms with their respective programs for academic advising with their Program Chairs.

FEd Welcomes Newly Admitted Students of Trimestral Programs

Based on student feedback, the event “was informative and very useful, especially for freshmen” and “timely.” With the presence and discussions of the FEd faculty and staff, the students received answers to their questions and concerns. Through this orientation, UPOU FEd was able to prepare both the new and continuing students of its trimestral programs for their academic journeys.

Written by Krista Marie L. Fama ♦ Edited by Asst. Prof. Rita C. Ramos and Asst. Prof. Charisse T. Reyes ♦ Cross-posted from FED Website

Sustainable Development Goals


On March 18, 2025, the ICU-UPOU Knowledge Exchange project delegates visited the UP Open University office at the DICT Building in UP Diliman, where Dr. Roberto Figueroa provided an overview of UPOU’s initiatives and the Immersive Open Pedagogies (IOP) program. A workshop on Metaverse creation using FrameVR was also held for the ICU and UPOU fellows. The delegation toured TVUP at the Student Union Building and explored key areas of the UP Diliman campus.Read more about the ICU-UPOU Knowledge Exchange project here: #upoufics #SDG17partnershipforthegoals #SDG4QualityEducation ... See MoreSee Less
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