As part of University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Education’s (FEd) training-workshop series on “Enhancing teaching and learning experiences in ODeL environments”, FEd organized a conversation on pastoral care and its role in fostering learners’ success in higher education on 05 October 2023 at the Multimedia Center (MC) Theatre, UPOU-Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Building, Diliman, Quezon City.

Dean Charisse T. Reyes of FEd kicked off the conversation with her opening remarks underscoring the  importance of pastoral care in the Faculty’s mission of providing a holistic experience for our learners. Subsequently, the conversation was led by Deans from De La Salle University: Professor John Addy S. Garcia, Dean of the Br. Andrew Gonzales College of Education and Professor Christine Joy A. Ballada, Dean of Student Affairs.

Resource Persons, Professor John Addy S. Garcia and Professor Christine Joy A. Ballada

During the discussion, Dean Garcia shared valuable insights and experiences in understanding and defining student support and services, as well as moving towards implementing best practices. He emphasized the importance of revisiting our understanding and definition of student support, and  maximizing the utilization of research to inform our practice. Dean Ballada then expanded on the various forms of support they offer to their students through different programs, with a particular focus on serving the marginalized students. Dean Ballada shared their institutions’ robust student support programs that address their learners’ diverse needs.

FEd Program Chairs, Faculty-In-Charge (FICs), academic support staff, and Office of Student Affairs (OSA) staff attended and shared their insights, practices and experiences with each other through the discussion.

Written by Bianca Veluz ♦ Edited by Asst. Prof. Ana Katrina Marcial and Asst. Prof. Charisse Reyes ♦ Cross-Posted from FED Website

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