Expert and Advocate in Open, Flexible, Online Distance Learning (OFDL) to Speak on Quality Assurance at ICODeL 2023

Expert and Advocate in Open, Flexible, Online Distance Learning (OFDL) to Speak on Quality Assurance at ICODeL 2023

The International Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (ICODeL) 2023 will feature Professor Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson, independent researcher, consultant, expert, influencer, and quality assessor in the field of open, flexible, online, and distance learning (OFDL). She is a Board Member of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and Chair of the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee. Dr. Ossiannilsson will speak for the third Plenary Session of ICODeL 2023, focusing on  Quality Assurance. 

Dr. Ossiannilsson is a Professor at the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. Her areas of expertise include quality, innovation, leadership, the future of education, Sustainable Development Goals, personalized learning, Open Educational Resources (OER), open education, equity, and well-being. She is committed to promoting and improving OFDL in the context of SDG4, the future of education, and the new social contract for education. Dr. Ossianilsson has over 20 years of experience in her field and has produced more than 200  publications. 

She primarily works at the strategic and policy levels with major international organizations such as the European Commission, the Joint Research Center, UNESCO OER Dynamic Coalition, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization, the International Organization for Standardization, and with the International Council on Badges and Credentials. 

With the theme “Sustainability in Education: Intersection, Ideation, Innovations,” ICODeL 2023 will be held in a hybrid format on 22-23 August 2023. ICODeL 2023 is part of the Tri-conference co-organized by the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), Philippine Society for Distance Learning (PSDL), UPOU Foundation, Inc, and Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA). More information is available at can be directed to the Secretariat at [email protected].

Contributed by TriCon Publicity Team ♦ Written by Anna Cañas-Llamas ♦ Edited by Myra Almodiel 

Sustainable Development Goals


CRSC 102: Tropical Perennial Crops Laboratory class from UPLB visits UPOU for a lecture/design exercise on permaculture and tour of the FMDS Perma GARDEN. Happy to see a new generation of students learning permaculture in the university! Thank you iCrops-UPLB and FMDS-UPOU for making this possible. We have another session next week. ... See MoreSee Less
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