CODTL Deputy Directors Lend Support to the University of Batangas "Byaheng DE"

The Univeristy of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning (CODTL) Deputy Directors, Dr. J. Aleta R. Villanueva, and Mr. Lexter Mangubat joined the University of Batangas (UB) to the “BIYAHENG DE: Journeying into the Avenues of Distance Education,” a training workshop for UB faculty held on 20 June 2023 at the UB Campus, Batangas City. The training workshop intends to orient UB faculty to the twist and curves of Distance Education. The training workshop was coordinated by Mr. Carl Ivan B. Villanueva, Director of UB Distance Education. The event was graced by UB President Dr. Hernando B. Perez.

Dr. Villanueva shared valuable insights into the different teaching techniques and strategies in Distance Education (DE). She emphasized the importance of social, cognitive, and teaching presence in creating an effective online learning environment. Dr. Villanueva also highlighted the crucial role of DE faculty in engaging the students by sharing approaches and strategies. One strategy she discussed to address student disengagement is to vary instructional practices and find alternative approaches to
activities that capture their interest. Overall, she explained the different ways to translate face-to-face teaching practices for distance learning grounded on research-based pedagogies.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mangubat’s imparted his expertise on “Maximizing Learning with Interactive Multimedia.” He introduced the basic principles which underpinned the different interactive multimedia tools and discussed their advantages. He also provided some tips and best practices for using interactive multimedia. As part of his presentation, he engaged the participants to join in his poll exercises as an example of interactive multimedia. He also challenged them to think about content and materials they would want to convert into interactive multimedia. In turn, the participants presented their work samples which would greatly improve with the application of interactive multimedia. During the open forum, a participant asked the presenters and coordinator about the sustainability of their journey to distance education. And their response was that distance education is inevitable, and it is the future of education where the future is today.

Written by Eleanor P. Manipol ♦ Edited by J. Aleta R. Villanueva ♦ Contributed by CODTL

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