Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Director IV for the Office of Programs and Standards Development (OPSD), Dr. Cherrie Melanie Ancheta-Diego, shall serve as a Plenary Speaker for the 6th National Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (NCODeL 2019).
Dr. Ancheta-Diego has a Doctor of Education (Educational Management) and Master of Public Administration degree from Mariano Marcos State University. Prior to her appointment with the CHED Central Office, she was the Director IV of the CHED Regional Office 1. As the Director IV of CHED-OPSD, she oversees the mandate of the office to be the primary in-charge of the enhancement of program quality and standards; the development of corresponding policy guidelines; and to ensure that transparency, accountability, expediency and integrity in the formulation and enforcement of policies, standards and guidelines are observed.
Dr. Ancheta-Diego will tackle Equity Dimensions in Quality Assurance Frameworks as one of the speakers for Plenary Session 1 of NCODeL 2019.
NCODeL 2019 will be held on 26-28 November 2019 at the Holiday Inn, Baguio City, Philippines. It is an event organized by the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) in collaboration with the University of the Philippines Baguio (UPB), Benguet State University (BSU) and Ifugao State University (IFSU), along with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), UPOU Foundation Inc. (UPOUFI) and the Philippine Society for Distance Learning (PDSL). For more information about NCODeL 2019, visit or email [email protected].