Chancellor Bandalaria Speaks with OFDL Leaders at ICDBSE 2024; Leads ICDE GAC Asia Meeting

University of the Philippines Open University Chancellor, Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, was at the 2nd International Conference on Digital Business, Society and Economy (ICDBSE 2024) held at the Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University in Nonthaburi, Thailand held on 13-14 November 2024. 

Chancellor Bandalaria was part of the Special Session titled “Joint Forces for Impactful Advocacy – the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Global Advocacy Campaign (GAC) in Asia.” She spoke with Torunn Gjelsvik, Secretary General of the ICDE, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Izanee Awang, President/ Vice-Chancellor of Open University Malaysia (OUM), and Dr. John Cribbin, Deputy Director (Academic Services) of the University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) in this session.

In her presentation, Dr. Bandalaria addressed the questions “Why did you sign up to advocate for Open and Flexible Distance Learning (OFDL)?” and “What are the main challenges for inclusive education?” In answer to the questions, she shared the mandate of UPOU which is aligned with the advocacy for OFDL, the context of the Philippines as one of the most disaster-prone countries that would benefit so much from OFDL, and the context of education in the Philippines which has low tertiary education enrollment numbers. 

Other speakers also shared their responses to the general question in the context of their own countries and organizations. After the presentation was a forum where ICDBSE 2024 participants could clarify some of the points and details. The session ended with awarding tokens of appreciation to the speakers and a customary photo with the conference organizer.

Dr. Bandalaria also facilitated the ICDE GAC Asia Working Group Meeting

Aside from the Special Session dedicated to the ICDE GAC on OFDL, Dr. Bandalaria also facilitated the ICDE GAC Asia Working Group Meeting, as the co-chair of the  ICDE-GAC-OFDL Task Force Asia with the Asia eUniversity of Malaysia. The meeting was participated in by all members of the five Working Groups of the ICDE GAC Task Force Asia. Dr. Myra C. Almodiel, Director of the UPOU Office of Public Affairs, and Dr. Reinald Adrian D. Pugoy, Director of the UPOU ICT Development Office, joined Chancellor Bandalaria in this Working Group Meeting.

Dr. Bandalaria also facilitated the ICDE GAC Asia Working Group Meeting

Dr. Bandalaria also facilitated the ICDE GAC Asia Working Group Meeting. (Photo from STOU)

Written by Anna Cañas-Llamas ♦ Edited by Dr. Myra C. Almmodiel ♦ Photos from STOU

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5 days left to apply!UPCAT 2026 admissions for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 will be open until 31 March 2025, Monday.Current Grade 11 students this SY 2024-2025 who will graduate from senior high school by SY 2025-2026, and current Grade 12 students or Senior High School graduates who have not taken the UPCAT in the previous cycles are eligible to apply.School officials must fill out the high school profile and confirm their students in the Form 2A portal by 04 April 2025, for applicants to receive their test permit in July 2025.UPCAT 2026 will be administered on 02 and 03 August 2025. Kindly ensure that you will be able to go to your chosen testing center on the exam dates.Do NOT withdraw if you have entered incorrect information in your application.Access the online application portal at you have questions, please visit the online helpdesk at #UPCAT #upofficeofadmissions5 days left to apply!UPCAT 2026 admissions for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 will be open until 31 March 2025, Monday.Current Grade 11 students this SY 2024-2025 who will graduate from senior high school by SY 2025-2026, and current Grade 12 students or Senior High School graduates who have not taken the UPCAT in the previous cycles are eligible to apply.School officials must fill out the high school profile and confirm their students in the Form 2A portal by 04 April 2025, for applicants to receive their test permit in July 2025.UPCAT 2026 will be administered on 02 and 03 August 2025. Kindly ensure that you will be able to go to your chosen testing center on the exam dates.Do NOT withdraw if you have entered incorrect information in your application.Access the online application portal at you have questions, please visit the online helpdesk at #UPCAT #UPOfficeofAdmissions ... See MoreSee Less
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