UPOpen News


2025 UPOpen News (Issue No.1 of 2025) 2024 UPOpen News (Issue No. 12 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 11 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 10 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 09 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 08 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 08 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 07 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 06 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 05 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 04 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 03 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 02 of 2024) UPOpen News (Issue No. 01 of 2024) [...]

UPOpen News2025-02-10T14:00:02+08:00

Submission of Abstracts for ICODEL is Extended


The deadline for abstract submission for the International Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (ICODeL) has been extended until 6 June 2023.  ICODeL is a biennial international conference series on open and distance e-learning (ODeL) which was launched in 22-24 February 2012. This 2023, ICODeL will be held together with two other international conferences -- International Symposium on Education and AI Convergence (ISEAC) 2023, and ASEANale 2023. This Triconference shares the theme “Sustainability in Education: Intersections, Ideation, Innovations.”  The sub themes for ICODeL range from Surviving Disruptions through Remote/Flexible Teaching, Scaling up and Scaling out Education, Assessment Challenges, Issues [...]

Submission of Abstracts for ICODEL is Extended2023-12-06T15:40:16+08:00

MAN Program Pilots Webinar on the Nursing Theories and Frameworks


The Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) Program of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS), University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) held a webinar titled “Nursing Theories in the Philippine Context, Episode 1: Nursing Theories and Explanatory Frameworks in Research” on 18 July 2022.  The speaker of the event was Dr. Araceli O. Balabagno, MAN and UP College of Nursing professional lecturer and the former president of the  Gerontology Nursing Association of the Philippines (GNAP). The webinar was moderated by Ms. Ma. Elma L. Mirandilla, lecturer  of the MAN program. The webinar started with the opening remarks [...]

MAN Program Pilots Webinar on the Nursing Theories and Frameworks2023-12-06T15:40:28+08:00

UPOU ProvComm, UP OSR hold Hybrid Dialogue with UPOU Officials


The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Provisional Committee (ProvComm) and the University of the Philippines (UP) Office of the Student Regent (OSR) held a hybrid meeting on 30 June 2022, with UPOU Officials at the UPOU Audio Visual Room and online via Zoom. The meeting aimed to discuss the ProvComm accomplishment report and the ratified constitution of the students of UPOU.       UPOU officials who were physically present are Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, Chancellor;  Dr. Joane Serrano, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies; Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo, Director of the Office [...]

UPOU ProvComm, UP OSR hold Hybrid Dialogue with UPOU Officials2023-12-06T15:40:39+08:00

PIEP International Cluster Encourages Aspiring Environmental Planners to Take UPOU’s DLUP Program


Envisioning a world where there are more licensed environmental planners to aid in mitigating adverse impacts of development projects in the environment and promoting sustainability, the Philippine Institute for Environmental Planners (PIEP) in cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar Chapters hosted a webinar entitled “Build a Career in Environmental Planning: Upgrading Competencies” on 24 June 2022. This event, which was conducted via Zoom and live streamed through Facebook, aimed to urge aspiring Environmental Planners (EnPs) to pursue formal education in land use planning and consequently obtain eligibility to take the EnP licensure examination. EnP Jeanette E. Cruz, OIC-Director [...]

PIEP International Cluster Encourages Aspiring Environmental Planners to Take UPOU’s DLUP Program2023-12-06T15:40:50+08:00

Unpacking the University of the Future


Unpacking the University of the Future The university of the future should be able to shape the direction of the future industrial revolutions and this necessitates the revisit of the essence of universities or our core functions of producing graduates and training the manpower who will man and plan the industries. Knowledge creation or generation that’s depending on your school of thought. Frankly, at the university at UPOU, we are still discussing whether it’s knowledge creation or knowledge generation because we also differ in our schools of thought and that’s through our research whether it’s creation or generation development [...]

Unpacking the University of the Future2021-01-18T10:53:30+08:00

List of UPOU Officials


UPOU Officials Melinda dP. Bandalaria, PhD Chancellor Los Baños: 536-6015, Diliman: (02) 426-0545 [email protected] Primo G. Garcia, PhD Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Los Baños: 536-6014, Diliman: (02) 426-1514 [email protected] Jean A. Saludadez, PhD Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration 536-6013 [email protected] Charisse T. Reyes, PhD Dean, Faculty of Education  536-6009 [email protected] Diego Silang S. Maranan, PhD Dean, Faculty of Information and Communication Studies 536-5070 / 536-6008 [email protected] Joane V. Serrano, PhD Dean, Faculty of Management and Development Studies 536-6010 [email protected] Luisa A. Gelisan, MDC University Registrar Office of the University Registrar 536-0106 [email protected] Ria Mae H. Borromeo, PhD [...]

List of UPOU Officials2024-01-29T10:48:01+08:00

UPOU Strategic Plan 2016-2019


UPOU’s Flagship Programs in 2016-2019 1. @ccess Target: To ensure the accessibility of UPOU’s formal programs Performance indicators: • Geographically dispersed student population (students in every province) • Students from low-income families • Students from IP communities • Students who are PWDs Components: 1. Promotion of UPOU programs in all regions and provinces 2. Expansion of scholarships and financial assistance 3. Bridge program to develop DE readiness and skills for success in distance learning 4. Universal accessibility of courses, including course materials 5. Admission policy review 6. Student support system 2. FLEx (Flexible Learning Experience) Target: To provide multiple pathways [...]

UPOU Strategic Plan 2016-20192019-12-09T17:07:29+08:00
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