Gurong Pahinungod


Join us and volunteer as Gurong Pahinungód! The Gurong Pahinungód Program mobilizes a select group of UP graduates called Gurong Pahinungod (GP) to teach in public schools in underserved communities for one year. From 1998 to 2008, the program has deployed 405 UP graduates as volunteer teachers to 160 public schools nationwide. See poster for more information. Those interested to serve as Gurong Pahinungód volunteers may sign-up through this link: Magturo. Maglingkod. Maging Gurong Pahinungód #UPOpenUniversity

Gurong Pahinungod2022-06-30T16:50:27+08:00

GIS Introduction For Educators


UPOU former Visiting Fellow and Assistant Director IT at Allama Iqbal Open University, Prof. Kamran Mir, invites you to sign up for his online class "GIS Introductions for Educators." This course is open for: Educators / Academia / Professors Online Teachers / Tutors Students Researchers in the field of EdTech/Learning Technologies The course will start on 8 July 2022. For information on this, visit this link. #UPOpenUniversity

GIS Introduction For Educators2022-06-30T16:47:28+08:00

Let’s Talk it Over (LTIO): Nursing Theories in the Philippine Context Episode 1


The Master of Arts in Nursing Program of FMDS, UPOU program will bring you the Let’s Talk it Over (LTIO): Nursing Theories in the Philippine Context webinar series this year! The first webinar episode is entitled "Nursing Theories and Explanatory Frameworks in Research". It will be on July 18, 2022 (Monday) and will be available via web streaming in UPOU Networks, Youtube, and Facebook. This is a 2-hour webinar-discussion on the use of nursing theories in the development of conceptual frameworks and exemplars on the application of the following nursing concepts in research. Registration is free at For further inquiries, [...]

Let’s Talk it Over (LTIO): Nursing Theories in the Philippine Context Episode 12022-06-29T15:53:17+08:00

CALL FOR RESPONDENTS for the University of the Future (UoF) Research


CALL FOR RESPONDENTS! Join the University of the Future (UoF) Research! The UPOU UoF Research Team is looking for interested individuals to participate in the Research on “Conceptions of the University of the Future (UoF) in the context of open education”. The research intends to come up with a general idea of how the university of the future (UoF) is being conceptualized by those involved in the field of open and distance education (e.g., university administrators, faculty, researchers, students, alumni, and other interested participants). Should you be interested to participate in this endeavor, you may access the online questionnaire after [...]

CALL FOR RESPONDENTS for the University of the Future (UoF) Research2022-06-27T17:27:24+08:00

IPID-Asia Women Forum 2022


Dr. Alexander G. Flor, Professor and the chair of the Doctor of Communication Program of the UPOU Faculty of Information and Communication Studies, will serve as one of the Resource Speakers in the in the International Network for Postgraduate Students in the area of ICT4D (IPID) -Asia Women Forum 2022 with the theme “Structural Challenges and ICT4D Research in Asia” on Monday, 27 June 2022 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM (Pacific Time Zone). The forum aims to bring Asian perspectives on institutional and structural challenges to discussions related to the development of the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT4D). [...]

IPID-Asia Women Forum 20222022-06-24T08:05:38+08:00

SEPLS Webinar Series: SEPLS Restoration and Conservation in Thailand: Through the Works of Some Selected Civil Society Organizations


Revitalizing Socioecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) Webinar Series is an online activity by Project 1 of the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR), Building Climate Smart Communities (bSMART) Program implemented by UP Open University and UP Los Baños. This Webinar aims to raise awareness of the conservation and sustainable use of SEPLS, anchored by Satoyama-Satoumi principle, through a series of online talks from speakers and experts on sustainable landscapes/seascapes management approaches. The Project 1 of the EIDR bSMART Program would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar on 30 June 2022 (Thursday) at 10:00 AM PST via Zoom. Our second international Guest [...]

SEPLS Webinar Series: SEPLS Restoration and Conservation in Thailand: Through the Works of Some Selected Civil Society Organizations2022-06-21T10:23:02+08:00

Filipino Social Workers & My Aspirations for My Country


In line with “The Social Work Day” on June 19, 2022, UPOU - Faculty of Management and Development Studies - Diploma in/ Masters of Social Work is collaborating with UPOU-Office of Gender Concerns to hold a (1) poem writing and (2) video making contest that will showcase the perceptions on social work in the Philippines and experiences of Filipino social workers. Note: We are extending the participation to ALL social workers and social work students in the Philippines. Read the mechanics and upload your entries using the following links: (1) Poem Writing - (2) Video Making - [...]

Filipino Social Workers & My Aspirations for My Country2022-06-16T14:58:29+08:00

Data Science Program Survey


The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) is developing a ladderized program in Data Science. Depending on their track, graduates may earn either a Graduate Certificate or Master in Data Science. The proposed program will have an interdisciplinary approach to Data Science, taking into consideration computing science, social science, humanities, and design. Though it will offer specializations, the program will focus on the application of data science in education and development. It will equip its graduates with a basic understanding of the key technologies in data science and relevant fields; knowledge in management and preservation of data; problem solving [...]

Data Science Program Survey2022-06-16T10:15:55+08:00
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