PhD in Education Program Dissertation Proposal Writing Bootcamp


The PhD in Education Program will be conducting a Dissertation Proposal Writing Bootcamp and Research Colloquium on December 2-13, 2022 via Zoom conference. These learning events are designed for its PhD in Education students who are currently in their Dissertation proposal writing stage to further hone their skills in Research Proposal writing. Experts from the fields of Educational Research and Mathematics and Science Education are invited as Resource Speakers and Panelists. The learning events are being spearheaded by its Program Chair, Dr. Maria Ana T. Quimbo, through the Academic Program Improvement Project. #UPOpenUniversity [...]

PhD in Education Program Dissertation Proposal Writing Bootcamp2022-12-05T15:00:12+08:00

Submission Deadline for Ethics Review 2022


This a gentle reminder to all UPOU Colleagues that UPOU IREC’s submission deadline for ethics review for the year 2022 is December 14. We will resume accepting submissions on the 2nd of January 2023. For more information and updates, please visit our website at Thank you and stay safe. #UPOpenUniversity

Submission Deadline for Ethics Review 20222022-12-02T10:24:58+08:00

14th SyenSaya


The Los Baños Science Community Foundation Inc. (LBSC) will celebrate this year's SyenSaya virtually! Anchored on DOST's National Science and Technology Week theme, "Agham at Teknolohiya: Kaakibat sa Maunlad at Matatag na Kinabukasan," the celebration will be held via the LBSCFI Facebook Page on December 5-7, 2022! Stay tuned for details and updates! #UPOpenUniversity

14th SyenSaya2022-12-02T09:24:50+08:00

Call for Nominations and Schedule of Activities in Line with the Search for the Next Dean of the Faculty of Education


The Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Education hereby announces the call for nominations for the next Dean of the  Faculty of Education. Attached is the call for nominations with the schedule of activities. Please note that Schedule of Activities may be subject to change if the call will only yield one candidate. UPDATE The public forum for the presentation of the FEd's incumbent dean on 5 December 2022 will be postponed. Please standby for the announcement once the schedule of his presentation is finalized. Thank you.

Call for Nominations and Schedule of Activities in Line with the Search for the Next Dean of the Faculty of Education2022-12-05T14:46:23+08:00

UPOU Ceremonial March 2022


UPOU 2020 AND 2021 ALUMNI, THIS IS FOR YOU! The UP Open University (UPOU) will give a send-off tribute for the graduates of AY 2019-2020 and AY 2020-2021 through an in-person Ceremonial March on 10 December 2022, 9AM (Philippine Time), at the UPOU Headquarters, Los Banos, Laguna. As part of the university’s health and safety measures, only those who have confirmed their attendance at this event will be granted access to the event venue. For inquiries, message [email protected] #UPOUCeremonialMarch #UPOpenUniversity

UPOU Ceremonial March 20222022-12-10T06:40:07+08:00

UPOU 26th Commencement Exercises


THE LONG WAIT IS OVER! This 2022, the UP Open University (UPOU) resumes its FACE-TO-FACE Graduation with the theme "University of the Future: Reimaginations, Reconfigurations, Realizations". The 26th Commencement Exercises will be held on 10 December 2022, 5PM (Philippine Time) at the UPOU Headquarters, Los Banos, Laguna. For inquiries, please email [email protected]. Padayon, Isko at Iska! #UPOUSablay2022 #UPOpenUniversity

UPOU 26th Commencement Exercises2022-11-15T15:15:55+08:00

1st National Conference on the Promotion of Philippine History in the Classroom and Cyberspace


The High School Philippine History Movement will be holding the 1st National Conference on the Promotion of Philippine History in the Classroom and Cyberspace on 26 November 2022, 2:00 to 5:30 pm via Zoom with the theme: “Pushing for Truthful Philippine History inside the Classroom, in Social Media, and the Public Sphere.” Keynote Speakers:  Mona Magno-Veluz AKA “Mighty Magulang.” National President of the Autism Society Philippines. Passionate genealogist and self-confessed history geek. Joane V. Serrano, PhD Dean of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies, University of the Philippines Open University — To register, please answer the Google Form: For more [...]

1st National Conference on the Promotion of Philippine History in the Classroom and Cyberspace2022-12-02T09:18:55+08:00

UPOU IREC Consultation Meetings (November 11 & 14, 2022)


All UPOU faculty members, REPS, administrative staff and students are encouraged to attend the continuation of UPOU IREC Standard Operating Procedures Consultation Meeting with Stakeholders via Zoom on the following dates: 11 November:     External Processes (Honorarium and fees, Appeals, Communications) 14 November:     Internal Processes (Archiving, Management of Files, Writing and Revising SOPs, Trainings) Time: 2:00-4:00 PM (PHT) Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 989 7564 9794  Passcode: SOP_2022 Registration: Thank you. #UPOpenUniversity

UPOU IREC Consultation Meetings (November 11 & 14, 2022)2022-11-11T10:36:03+08:00

OPEN Talk Episode 28: Dyscalculia? Ano ‘yon?


Dyslexia, or reading disability, is one of the learning disorders that many are aware of. But are you aware of the learning disorder called DYSCALCULIA? It is a mathematics learning disability and sometimes referred to as math dyslexia. To know more about Dyscalculia, we invite you to watch OPEN Talk's episode titled "Dyscalculia? Ano yon?" on 16 November 2022, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm at and at Our resource person is Dr. Arman DC. Santos, a PhD in Education graduate from the Faculty of Education, UP Open University (FEd, UPOU). Currently, he is an Associate Professor of College of Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), Sta Mesa Campus, and [...]

OPEN Talk Episode 28: Dyscalculia? Ano ‘yon?2022-11-11T08:39:03+08:00

Job Opportunities at the ICTDO


The UPOU ICT Development Office is looking to fill up the following positions for our growing and exciting team! Senior Network Administrator IT Security Specialist Accepted applicants should be willing to be based at the UPOU Headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna. If you are interested, the details for each position and the submission requirements are available here: 

Job Opportunities at the ICTDO2022-11-09T17:07:13+08:00
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