2023 ASEANnale Call for Entries
superadmin2023-07-05T08:30:26+08:00The ASEANNale 2023 is open for entries for the International Symposium on ASEAN Studies (ISAS), the ASEAN Food Festival, and the Digital Video and Multimedia Webxhibtion and Competition until 23 July 2023. ASEANnale 2023 is a cultural dialogue in ASEAN Studies in a multi-disciplinary level among education practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and innovators to explore sustainable development in education in ASEAN. This year, ASEANnale carries the theme “Sustainability in Education: Intersections, Ideation, Innovations” and features three events. Under ISAS, participants will have the opportunity to present their research, share their experiences, and engage in critical discussions on sustainable development. Next, [...]