2023 ASEANnale Call for Entries


The ASEANNale 2023 is open for entries for the International Symposium on ASEAN Studies (ISAS), the ASEAN Food Festival, and the Digital Video and Multimedia Webxhibtion and Competition until 23 July 2023.   ASEANnale 2023 is a cultural dialogue in ASEAN Studies in a multi-disciplinary level among education practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and innovators to explore sustainable development in education in ASEAN. This year, ASEANnale carries the theme “Sustainability in Education: Intersections, Ideation, Innovations” and features three events. Under ISAS, participants will have the opportunity to present their research, share their experiences, and engage in critical discussions on sustainable development. Next, [...]

2023 ASEANnale Call for Entries2023-07-05T08:30:26+08:00

Landscape of SOGIESC Advocacy in the Philippines


The Office of Gender Concerns invites you to celebrate Pride Month with us through our webinars entitled "Landscape of SOGIESC Advocacy in the Philippines" from 10 AM to 12 NN on 21 June 2023 at the Audio Visual Room (AVR), UP Open University Headquarters, Los Baños, Laguna.   This event aligns with UPOU’s theme for Pride Month this year, “ODeL4GEDSI: Connecting Identities, Creating Allies”.   You may also join the event via livestream on the following platforms UPOU Networks: https://networks.upou.edu.ph/gender/ UPOU Networks FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/6274697515930420/ UPOU YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/live/YJ9wJzMMI-I   We hope to see you there! #UPOpenUniversity [...]

Landscape of SOGIESC Advocacy in the Philippines2023-06-20T13:44:52+08:00

SOGIESC Orientation and Implication to ODeL Teaching and Learning


The Office of Gender Concerns invites you to celebrate Pride Month with us through our webinars entitled "SOGIESC Orientation and Implication to ODeL Teaching and Learning" from 2 PM to 4 PM on 21 June 2023 at the Audio Visual Room (AVR), UP Open University Headquarters, Los Baños, Laguna.   This event aligns with UPOU’s theme for Pride Month this year, “ODeL4GEDSI: Connecting Identities, Creating Allies”.   You may also join the event via livestream on the following platforms UPOU Networks: https://networks.upou.edu.ph/gender/ UPOU Networks FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/966186991090760/ UPOU YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/live/BXuzbKxF_CA We hope to see you there! #UPOpenUniversity [...]

SOGIESC Orientation and Implication to ODeL Teaching and Learning2023-06-20T13:42:04+08:00

Job Opportunity: Senior Database Administrator


The UPOU ICT Development Office is looking for a Senior Database Administrator (SG-22/PHP 71,511 monthly) to complete our growing and exciting team! The accepted applicant is expected to be fluent in database administration and software development and should be willing to be based at the UPOU Headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna. Having a background in data analytics is a plus. If you are interested, the details for the said position and the submission requirements are available here: https://ictdo.upou.edu.ph/applynow #UPOpenUniversity

Job Opportunity: Senior Database Administrator2023-06-20T11:25:27+08:00

Open Talk on Sikolohiyang Pilipino sa Wika, Panitikan, at Midya


Para sa episode na ito, ating tatalakayin ang tungkol sa Sikolohiyang Pilipino (SP) at ang paglalapat nito sa mga aralin sa wika, panitikan, at midya sa hay-iskul at sa kolehiyo. Paano ba epektibong mailalahok ang mga kaisipan ng SP sa larang ng wika, panikitan at midya? Paano rin naman mapagyayaman ng mga nasabing larang ang pagtalakay sa SP?  Ating alamin ang sagot sa mga tanong na ito sa panibagong episode ng OPEN Talk na pinamagatang “Sikolohiyang Pilipino sa Wika, Panitikan, at Midya.”  Ang episode na ito ay binuo sa pakikipagtulungan sa Pambansang Samahan ng Sikolohiyang Pilipino (PSSP). Ang mga tagapagsalita ay sina:  Dr. Alwin [...]

Open Talk on Sikolohiyang Pilipino sa Wika, Panitikan, at Midya2023-06-16T09:17:48+08:00

Webinar: Explore the Role of Community Learning Centers across Asia and Europe


The UP Open University Faculty of Management and Development Studies invites everyone to join the upcoming webinar on “The role of community learning centers across Asia and Europe” on 14th of June 2023,  8:00 – 9:15 PM, Manila Time/1:00 PM – 2:15 PM GMT+1 via Zoom.  This event, organized by the ASEM LLL Hub, will explore the diverse roles and significance of community learning centers across Asia and Europe. The ASEM LLL Hub, established in 2005, is an official network of Asian and European higher education institutions, working and learning together to achieve excellence in comparative research on lifelong learning, to [...]

Webinar: Explore the Role of Community Learning Centers across Asia and Europe2023-06-08T15:27:52+08:00

Job Opportunity: FMDS DLUP Faculty Position


The Faculty of Management and Development Studies of the UP Open University is in need of one faculty member in Land Use Planning. Interested parties should email the following requirements to [email protected]. 1) Application letter addressed to the dean; 2) Curriculum Vitae with picture and at least three (3) character references; 3) Copy of Transcript of Records from BS to the highest degree obtained; 4) Copy of Sample publication; and 5) Accomplished APB Form 1. #UPOpenUniversity

Job Opportunity: FMDS DLUP Faculty Position2023-05-30T15:52:03+08:00

Job Opportunity: FMDS MPM Faculty Position


The Faculty of Management and Development Studies of the UP Open University is in need of one faculty member in Public Management. Interested parties should email the following requirements to [email protected]: 1) Application letter addressed to the dean; 2) Curriculum Vitae with picture and at least three (3) character references; 3) Copy of Transcript of Records from BS to the highest degree obtained; 4) Copy of Sample publication; and 5) Accomplished APB Form 1. #UPOpenUniversity

Job Opportunity: FMDS MPM Faculty Position2023-05-30T15:39:36+08:00

Call for Nominations for UPOU Professorial Chair and Faculty Chair Awards


The UPOU Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) invites all those interested to submit nominations of UPOU Faculty members for the UPOU Professorial Chair and Faculty Chair Awards. Professorial Chair Awards and Faculty Grant Awards are forms of recognition for achievement in the academe. They are granted to members of the faculty who have distinguished themselves in the fields they represent. Professorial Chair Awards are supported by special endowments. For inquiries, email [email protected]. #UPOpenUniversity

Call for Nominations for UPOU Professorial Chair and Faculty Chair Awards2023-05-30T13:37:13+08:00

UPCA 2023 Appeal/Reconsideration


All UP College Admissions (UPCA) Appeals will be done through the UPCA portal starting 20 June 2023.   For other queries, please contact UP OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS through any of the following:   Telefax: +63 2 89274561 Telephone: +63 2 8981-8500 loc. 3827/3828/3830/3831 Email: [email protected] Website: https://upcollegeadmissions.up.edu.ph Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/UPSystemOfficeOfAdmissions/ #UPOpenUniversity

UPCA 2023 Appeal/Reconsideration2023-05-25T15:45:17+08:00
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