The University of the Philippines in partnership with UP Manila NIH National Telehealth Center and in cooperation with UP Philippine General Hospital would like to invite you to join the Fight Against COVID-19!
Registration slots are limited to this SPECIAL EDITION of the STOP COVID DEATHS Webinar Series, so sign up NOW:
Webinar #83
“OMICRON: What We Should Know & What We Should Do”
January 14, 2022 (Friday) 12nn
Dr. Franco Felizarta
Infectious Disease & Internal Medicine Specialist
UP Medical Alumni Association in America (UPMASA)
Dr. John Wong
Senior Technical Advisor
EpiMetrics, Inc.
Dr. Anna Ong-Lim
Professor & Chief
Division of Infectious & Tropical Disease in Pediatrics
College of Medicine- Philippine General Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Opening Remarks:
Dr. Teodoro J. Herbosa
Special Adviser, National Task Force Against COVID-19
Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine Services
UP Philippine General Hospital
Synthesis and Closing Remarks:
Dr. Stella Marie L. Jose
Deputy Director for Health Operations
Philippine General Hospital
Webinar #83
January 14, 2022
Special Topic
In the past four weeks, the Omicron variant has swept the world with vertical spikes on almost every continent. For the Philippines, an exponential increase in numbers of positive cases with a high positivity rate have been a cause of concern. Admissions in hospitals are being monitored, as well as cases that are in the ICU. Different experts predict we will continue to see a surge in the next 2 weeks, and therefore we need to be prepared.
As the holiday season seems to have created opportunities for the spread of both Delta and Omicron, frontline health workers must be ahead of the curve in terms of information. The percentage of cases that are caused by Omicron is still unknown, and there are indications that there are still cases of Delta that are spreading. However, the steep rise in cases from 1,000 at the end of the year to roughly 28,000 at the time of writing – point to the possibility that this is caused by Omicron with people testing positive despite full vaccination.
In this episode of STOP COVID DEATHS, we will have familiar speakers to open this year’s crucial discussion on the Omicron surge. Dr. Franco Felizarta, infectious disease specialist from the US to provide the latest information and everything we need to know about the variant based on scientific studies. Dr. John Wong, senior epidemiologist of Epimeterics will speak about the epidemiology of the current surge and projections. Dr. Anna Ong-Lim, consultant for pediatrics, Philippine General Hospital – will address homecare for COVID-19.
We start this year with high hopes to again consolidate our ranks and find ways to serve those who need us the most. Welcome back to STOP COVID DEATHS 2022.
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Connected.
Together, we can STOP COVID DEATHS!