CALL FOR RESPONDENTS for the University of the Future (UoF) Research
CALL FOR RESPONDENTS! Join the University of the Future (UoF) Research! The UPOU UoF Research Team is looking for interested individuals to participate in the Research on “Conceptions of the University of the Future (UoF) in the context of open education”. The research intends [...]
IPID-Asia Women Forum 2022
Dr. Alexander G. Flor, Professor and the chair of the Doctor of Communication Program of the UPOU Faculty of Information and Communication Studies, will serve as one of the Resource Speakers in the in the International Network for Postgraduate Students in the area of [...]
SEPLS Webinar Series: SEPLS Restoration and Conservation in Thailand: Through the Works of Some Selected Civil Society Organizations
Revitalizing Socioecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) Webinar Series is an online activity by Project 1 of the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR), Building Climate Smart Communities (bSMART) Program implemented by UP Open University and UP Los Baños. This Webinar aims to raise awareness of [...]