SEPLS Webinar Series 6: Living in Harmony with Nature
Revitalizing Socioecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) Webinar Series is an online activity by Project 1 of the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR), Building Climate Smart Communities (bSMART) Program implemented by UP Open University and UP Los Baños. This Webinar aims to raise awareness [...]
Demand Survey for Instructional Design and Technology Programs and Short Courses
The Faculty of Education of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) would like to gauge interest and demand for Instructional Design and Technology programs and short courses. Please share with us your thoughts. It takes less than ten minutes to complete [...]
[UP Alumni Survey 2022] Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Calling all Isko at Iska: Please check your UP alumni email account and participate in the first ever UP Alumni Survey! We would like to hear how you are doing and how your UP education has helped in your life and career so far. [...]