How would political campaigns be waged during the pandemic, a public health crisis that has severely limited all our social, political, and economic activities?

Amidst this overwhelming constraint, all indications show that the Presidential elections, slated for May 2022, will be held in the midst of so many challenges confronting this political engagement.

This third national forum, titled “Campaign Dynamics During the Pandemic,” under the National Forum on Communication and Democracy – Philippine Elections 2022, organized by the Philippines Communication Society (PCS). This forum will feature how national candidates deal with the severe constraints presented by the Pandemic-prompted health protocols now imposed by the government. 

Join our 3rd national forum, “Kanya-kanyang Diskarte: Campaign Dynamics During the Pandemic” this October 13, Wednesday, via Zoom, Facebook Live and YouTube.

Register here!

#pcsforum2021 #PHElections2022 #PHVote